Rep. Adam B. Schiff | Rep. Nunes's Memo Crosses a Dangerous Line

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Rep. Adam B. Schiff | Rep. Nunes's Memo Crosses a Dangerous Line 
Rep. Devin Nunes. (photo: Getty)
Rep. Adam B. Schiff, The Washington Post 
Schiff writes: "Even during the most difficult of times, when Congress had seemingly lost the capacity to govern and partisan storms raged across Capitol Hill, the intelligence committees remained largely insulated from the nation's increasingly self-destructive politics. No more." 
Mueller Zooms In on Trump Tower Cover Story 
Jo Becker, Mark Mazzetti, Matt Apuzzo and Maggie Haberman, The New York Times 
Excerpt: "Aboard Air Force One on a flight home from Europe last July, President Trump and his advisers raced to cobble together a news release about a mysterious meeting at Trump Tower the previous summer between Russians and top Trump campaign officials." 
Court Upholds Constitutionality of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 
Colin Wilhelm and Josh Gerstein, Politico 
Excerpt: "A federal appeals court has upheld the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's structure, a decision that preserves the agency's independence in the face of challenges from business interests and conservatives." 
Trump Is Reportedly Talking About Asking Attorney General Sessions to Prosecute Special Counsel Mueller 
Mike Calia, CNBC 
Calia writes: "President Donald Trump has been talking to his friends about possibly asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions to prosecute Robert Mueller, the special counsel overseeing the Russia probe, and his team, NBC News reported." 

aul Nehlen [R=WISCONSIN]- Too racist for Breitbart? This is what the 
Republican Party stands for! 

GOP Congressional Candidate Makes List of Jews 
Paul Blest, Splinter News 
Blest writes: "While it may seem at first glance that making a list of your enemies in an Excel spreadsheet and including a tally of their religious and ethnic backgrounds is a completely normal and levelheaded thing to do, I can assure you that it is not." 
San Francisco Will Wipe Thousands of Marijuana Convictions Off the Books 
Evan Sernoffsky, San Francisco Chronicle 
Sernoffsky writes: "San Francisco will retroactively apply California's marijuana-legalization laws to past criminal cases, District Attorney George Gascón said Wednesday - expunging or reducing misdemeanor and felony convictions going back decades." 
White House to Ask for 72 Percent Cut in Renewable Energy Programs: Report 
Brandon Carter, The Hill 
Carter writes: "President Trump's administration is reportedly seeking a 72 percent cut to the budget of Department of Energy programs related to energy efficiency and renewable energy." 

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