
Showing posts from January 17, 2018

Jonathan Chait | If Trump Fires Mueller, Republicans Won't Object

17 January 18 It's Live on the HomePage Now:   Reader Supported News CRITICAL: WE NEED EVERYONE'S ASSISTANCE ON DONATIONS NOW - The need for funding is immediate and quite serious. We have made some progress in the past 36 hours, but we must finish. 250 donations @ $30 will finish the drive. Please hit the donate link and toss in your contribution. Sincere thanks to all. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! FOCUS: Jonathan Chait | If Trump Fires Mueller, Republicans Won't Object    Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine   Chait writes: "The Republican Party has largely coalesced around Trump. If - or when - Trump quashes Mueller's investigation, the veto-proof majorities to restore Mueller's power will almost certainly fail to materialize."   READ MORE Contribute to RSN Become a Fan of RSN on  Facebook  and  Twitter Update My Monthly Donation

Progressive Breakfast: Enormously Lucky Man? Or Ultra-Deserving Deep Pocket?

MORNING MESSAGE Sam Pizzigati Enormously Lucky Man? Or Ultra-Deserving Deep Pocket? What separates the awesomely affluent from the rest of us? Privilege, opportunity, luck, or all three? And what do they owe the rest of society? The incredibly lucrative career of retiring Google exec Eric Schmidt offers us some clues. GOP Wants Short-Term Spending Deal, No DACA Fix Republican leaders offer one-month spending bill. WaPo: “House Republican leaders presented their rank and file with a one-month spending bill Tuesday aimed at keeping the government open ahead of a Friday night deadline, as hopes for a deal on young undocumented immigrants faded. The bill would extend existing spending levels through Feb. 16 and include an extension of a popular children’s health insurance program — aimed at winning Democratic votes — and a new sweetener for conservatives and Democrats alike in delaying several taxes included in the Affordable Care Act. Few lawmakers were enthusiastic about t...

MASSterList Shutdown games | Hard breakup | Tiptoeing around Trump

GABRIEL GOMEZ? NIP IT IN THE BUD! There are just a few articles posted below.....don't support a candidate until you have reviewed their positions...... Republicans: Hiding From the Reality They Created 10 Crazy Things the Right Did This Week Markey, Gomez, on Internet sales tax, immigration and EPA Ed Markey's Endorsement Gabriel Gomez's Tax Deduction What's Elizabeth Warren done? Gabriel Gomez: Repeating the Lies Truth is where you find it..... Subscribe   Archives   Twitter   Facebook   Instagram This email may be cut off by your email provider. To see today's full MASSterList, click "View entire message" at the bottom, or view the online version  here. By Jay Fitzgerald and Keith Regan 01/17/2018 Shutdown games | Hard breakup | Tiptoeing around Trump Happening Today Cannabis Control Commission, Governor’s Council, Marriott CEO -- The  Cannabis Control Commission  meets to review...