
Showing posts from March 25, 2018

Neil Young: 'Trump Has No Balls'

25 March 18 It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News Yes, If You Ignore Funding, RSN Will Tank - You can be 100% certain that 30,000 people reading and 30 donating (every day) is a formula that will absolutely fail. Again, what we strive for is “reasonable” community participation. In earnest. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! FOCUS | Neil Young: 'Trump Has No Balls'  Marlow Stern, The Daily Beast Stern writes: "Never meet your heroes, they say. It's an adage seemingly tailor-made for world-weary rockers, not known to be the most even-tempered of beasts." READ MORE Contribute to RSN Become a Fan of RSN on  Facebook  and  Twitter Update My Monthly Donation

Robert Reich | The Republican Nomination of a Nazi

24 March 18 PM It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News "THE RICH PEOPLE SHOULD PAY FOR RSN" - An actual comment from a reader. Guess what folks the "rich people" pay for CNN, the NRA, the TPP, most of the politicians in Washington and a whole lot of other things that destroy the fabric of the country. RSN has always had support from large and small donors alike. That's big part of what makes us unique. Do what you can do. But please do something. / Marc Ash - Founder, Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! Robert Reich | The Republican Nomination of a Nazi  Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page Reich writes: "This is disgraceful. Earlier this week, Arthur Jones - a Holocaust denier who was formerly the leader of the American Nazi Party - won the Republican nomination for Illinois's 3rd Congressional District seat." READ MORE Young people visiting the Newseum look out upon thousands of...

Mort Rosenblum | America's Next Referendumb Is for Keeps

25 March 18 AM It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News WHAT WILL YOU DO TO PRESERVE READER SUPPORTED NEWS? - There is no way this organization can survive and function without reasonable support from our readership. Right now, we are not getting that. What will you do? We need a grand total of 700 donations/mo. So far for March we have 435. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! Mort Rosenblum | America's Next Referendumb Is for Keeps  Mort Rosenblum, Reader Supported News Rosenblum writes: "Okay, I stopped in this old settlement near Tucson just for the dateline. I wanted to reflect on some accidental Delphic prescience back in May 2016, I thought Hillary would be a shoo-in, but reporting out in the real world had me worried." READ MORE March For Our Lives protest. (photo: Spence Platt/Getty Images) ALSO SEE:  NRA Host Taunts Parkland Teens: 'No One Would Know Your Names' if Classmates W...

Path to extinction for North Atlantic right whales

Path to extinction for North Atlantic right whales By  Doug Fraser   By  Mary Ann Bragg   Posted Mar 24, 2018 With recent deaths and fewer than 450 North Atlantic right whales remaining, experts fear loss of species PROVINCETOWN — Inside the cabin of the research vessel Shearwater, Charles “Stormy” Mayo, senior scientist and director of the Right Whale Ecology Program at the Center for Coastal Studies, pulled up on his computer an image of the family tree of North Atlantic right whale #1140. This whale — dubbed “Wart” by researchers — has a file of photographs, identifying marks, and a life history, as does nearly every one of the remaining 451 right whales on earth. “Her productivity has been extraordinary,” Mayo said. But Wart hasn’t been seen since 2014, and some worry her fabled life may have come to an end. Last summer was particularly tragic with 16, possibly 17, right whales — 4 percent of the remaining population — ki...