RSN: Charles Pierce | Can the Republic Recover From Donald Trump?
19 May 18 It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News WILL DONALD TRUMP KILL RSN? - Outrage over the rise of Trump is causing a huge grassroots mobilization. That’s a good thing and long overdue. It also causing an explosion in grassroots fundraising, especially online. That’s drastically changing the landscape. It’s taking us nearly twice as long to raise half as much as we were in 2014. We have cut everything that could be cut. We’re down to essentials now. No one on our end has any intention of walking away. So we’re going to have to slug it out until things improve. A lot of people will ignore this message. We are hoping that a few won’t. In peace and solidarity. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! FOCUS: Charles Pierce | Can the Republic Recover From Donald Trump? Charles Pierce, Esquire Pierce writes: "On Monday, at the Center For American Progress's annual Ideas hootenanny, Sally Yates made a point ...