
Showing posts from December 19, 2017

The president's list ..

Science deniers Trump has already put in power: UCS members just helped block chemical-industry lobbyist Michael Dourson from a key EPA position. Now, the president has 410 positions left to fill.  Help keep science deniers out of them. The tax-deductible giving deadline is  December 31 . Science for a healthy planet and safer world UCS is a 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax deductible. You can be confident your donations to UCS are spent wisely About UCS  |  Take Action  |  Donate  |  Contact Us  |  Privacy Policy   Union of Concerned Scientists 2 Brattle Square | Cambridge, MA 02138-3780  

FEC Matthew Petersen FLUNKS: Poor Vetting Sinks Trump's Nominees for Federal Judge

You're here......what you get for FREE is worth the price you paid. Subscribe to and SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MEDIA ......contribute what you can afford for the TRUTH. 19 December 17 Santa's Not Stopping Here This Year We are already so far behind where we would normally be for December that any chance of catching up is gone. We will see a major drop in funding. Our readership numbers are actually up. People just refuse to contribute. We are forced to fight for basic funding. This is not good. Marc Ash Founder,  Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! Update My Monthly Donation Become a Fan of RSN on  Facebook  and  Twitter If you would prefer to send a check: Reader Supported News PO Box 2043 Citrus Hts, CA 95611 Matthew Petersen. (photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images) Poor Vetting Sinks Trump's Nominees for Federal Judge By Charlie Savage, The New York Times 19 December 17 ne of President Trump’s federal judge nominees h...

Marc Ash | Senator Franken, Do Not Resign (An Open Letter)

19 December 17 It's Live on the HomePage Now:   Reader Supported News SANTA'S NOT STOPPING HERE THIS YEAR - We are already so far behind where we would normally be for December that any chance of catching up is gone. We will see a major drop in funding. Our readership numbers are actually up. People just refuse to contribute. We are forced to fight for basic funding. This is not good. / Marc Ash - Founder, Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! FOCUS: Marc Ash | Senator Franken, Do Not Resign (An Open Letter)    Marc Ash, Reader Supported News   Ash writes: "While confronting sexual harassment is strongly supported by vast majority of Democrats and Progressives, the perception widely held among them is that you have been targeted for political ends, and it is a deeply troubling concern."   READ MORE Contribute to RSN Become a Fan of RSN on  Facebook  and  Twitter Update My Monthly Donation

Did State Farm pressure lead to $42 million verdict?

Did insurer pressure lead to $42 million verdict? December 18, 2017 @ 12:01 am David Kushma Eric Freedman A Texas jury concluded that substandard roof repairs to this used 2010 Honda Fit aggravated the effects of a collision in December 2013. Red arrows show where the roof detached during the crash. To Dallas lawyer Todd Tracy, a $42 million jury verdict for substandard repair work on a 2010 Honda Fit should sound a clarion call to dealerships, insurers and automakers. "That's going to cause alarms to go off and red flags to go off," says Tracy, whose firm represents plaintiffs in vehicle safety and crashworthiness cases, including the owners of the Fit. John Eagle Collision Center, a body shop associated with John Eagle Auto Group in Dallas, used glue instead of welds to fix hailstorm damage to the Fit's roof, although Honda's repair manual calls for 108 roof welds. The shop took the cheaper (by $3,000) but unsafe route und...

MASSterList: Globe exclusive | WorSox? | Tax Day

Subscribe   Archives   Twitter   Facebook   Instagram This email may be cut off by your email provider. To see today's full MASSterList, click "View entire message" at the bottom, or view the online version  here. By Jay Fitzgerald and Keith Regan 12/19/2017 Globe exclusive | WorSox? | Tax Day Happening Today Teaching English, 40B hearing, police-involved deaths --  Group Insurance Commission  meets with plans to review a recommendation regarding its pharmacy benefit manager, a move public unions are closely monitoring, 19 Staniford Street, 4th Floor, Boston, 8:30 a.m. --  Board of Elementary and Secondary Education  meets to discuss the new state law allowing more flexibility in how schools  teach students who are learning English , vote on the tuition rate for virtual schools and hear an update from chairman Paul Sagan on the ongoing search for a new elementary and secondary education commissioner, 75...