RSN: Jeffrey Toobin | Will the Fervor to Impeach Donald Trump Start a Democratic Civil War?
21 May 18 It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News WE STILL HAVE A VERY SERIOUS SHORTFALL FOR MAY - The May funding-drive is still well behind where it should be at this point, despite an increase in actual donations. We need a couple of “reasonable” fundraising days ASAP. Can you help? / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! FOCUS: Jeffrey Toobin | Will the Fervor to Impeach Donald Trump Start a Democratic Civil War? Jeffrey Toobin, The New Yorker Toobin writes: "A push to remove the President from office may lead to disaster in the midterms." READ MORE Contribute to RSN Become a Fan of RSN on Facebook and Twitter Update My Monthly Donation