RSN: How Totally Out of Control Is Facebook? Read This
25 June 18 It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News I FOR ONE DO NOT WANT TO LOSE RSN AT THIS CRUCIAL TIME!! - I don't like getting solicitations for donations any more than anybody else does. Except that for RSN, this seems to be a very "necessary evil" for funding and continuing quality reading. BUT, RSN is one thing I am TOTALLY WILLING to contribute to! ...BTW, I'm retired, on a fixed income - and not all that much $$ income at that! So howzabout all you "readers" (but non-donors) become REAL SUPPORTERS - send RSN some $$$, PLEASE!! (I for one do NOT want to lose RSN at this crucial time!!) Thanx RSN! / Will, RSN Reader-Supporter Sure, I'll make a donation! FOCUS: How Totally Out of Control Is Facebook? Read This Sahil Chinoy, The New York Times Chinoy writes: "A review of hundreds of Facebook's patent applications reveals that the company has considered tracking almost every aspect of its users' li...