
Showing posts from April 22, 2018


The time is NOW to stop new fracked gas pipelines in Massachusetts! The big utility companies are back. They won’t give up – they want YOU to pay for fracked gas pipelines that we don’t need, don’t want and can’t afford. And those pipelines would lock us into another 20-30 years of reliance on fracked gas that contributes to global warming. Take action today. Click below. Take action today! Tell your state senator to support S. 2302. Ban the pipeline tax, stop new pipeline construction, further cut emissions and reduce fossil fuel usage. Learn More CONSUMERSFORSENSIBLEENERGY.ORG Three billion dollars added to your energy bill to pay for a pipeline to carry fracked gas. A study commissioned by the Attorney General says we don't need it. So it's gas we don't need. A pipeline we don't want. Costs we can't afford. A pipeline carrying fracked gas to markets beyond Massachusetts. We'll pay. Someone else ...

Will Sean Hannity's Ties to Michael Cohen Be His Undoing?

22 April 18 It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News WE WANT TO SAY THANK YOU, BUT WE’RE AFRAID - People are donating, people are helping, people are taking an ownership stake in Reader Supported News. We want to say thank you. But every time we say thank you, the donations stop. Think about how destructive that can be. We are struggling for donations. To those that are helping, we thank you sincerely. (Fingers crossed.) Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! FOCUS: Will Sean Hannity's Ties to Michael Cohen Be His Undoing?  Dominic Rushe and Jon Swaine, Guardian UK Excerpt: "Judge Kimba Wood had run out of patience. Lawyers for Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's consigliere and legal fixer, had tried every trick in the book to avoid disclosing the name of a mystery Cohen client, who they said was desperate to remain anonymous." READ MORE Contribute to RSN Become a Fan of RSN on  Facebook  and  Twitter U...

Tim Dickinson | The Divine Paranoia of Scott Pruitt

22 April 18 AM It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL FUNDRAISING - You can rest 100% assured that if the pace of donations were anything even approaching reasonable we would be taking a much softer tone. More people keep coming and fewer people keep contributing. Situation very bad now. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! Tim Dickinson | The Divine Paranoia of Scott Pruitt  Tim Dickinson, Rolling Stone Dickinson writes: "Scott Pruitt is at the center of a political firestorm that may see him removed from the Trump administration. It's a stark turn of events for the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, who has seen himself as on a mission from God." READ MORE Colin Kaepernick. (photo: AP) Colin Kaepernick Receives a Humanitarian Prize - but No NFL Job Offers Stephanie Griffith, ThinkProgress   Griffith writes: "He can't get an NFL team to hire him, b...

The 5-Minute Fix: What the Comey memos do (and don’t) reveal about Trump

Democracy Dies in Darkness Keeping up with politics is easy now By Amber Phillips We have an even fuller picture of what fired FBI director James B. Comey thinks President Trump did wrong. All  seven of Comey's memos  detailing his private conversations with Trump were shared with Congress this week — and soon after, the media. Comey testified last summer about his concerns about Trump and leaked part of those memos to the media. Former FBI director James B. Comey is sworn in during a Senate hearing in June. (Alex Brandon/AP) There's so much attention on Comey's memos because they lift the curtain on what Trump ostensibly thinks of Russia and the Russia investigation in private — but they're only Comey's perspective. As such, Trump and his allies were quick to claim that the memos disprove the allegations connected to the president: that his campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election...