Incoherent, authoritarian, uninformed: Trump’s New York Times interview is a scary read
"This is the president of the United States speaking to the New York Times. His comments are, by turns, incoherent, incorrect, conspiratorial, delusional, self-aggrandizing, and underinformed. This is not a partisan judgment — indeed, the interview is rarely coherent or specific enough to classify the points Trump makes on a recognizable left-right spectrum." link . Incoherent, authoritarian, uninformed: Trump’s New York Times interview is a scary read The president of the United States is not well. VOX.COM | BY EZRA KLEIN The president of the United States is not well. That is an uncomfortable thing to say, but it is an even worse thing to ignore. Consider the interview Trump gave to the New York Times on Thursday. It begins with a string of falsehoods that make it difficult to tell whether the leader of the free world is lying or delusional. Remember, these are President Donald Trump’s words, after being ...