RSN: Charles Pierce | I Don't Need to 'Understand' Anyone Who Still Supports This President
10 June 18 AM It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News WILL WE RAISE FUNDS OR CHALLENGE INJUSTICE?: What will tomorrow bring? A day of scratching together funding, or a day of dedicating the organization's efforts to challenging the injustice that effects our daily lives? We need 800 donations to finish. 800 will visit RSN in the next 30 minutes. With respect and a hint of urgency. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! Charles Pierce | I Don't Need to 'Understand' Anyone Who Still Supports This President Charles Pierce, Esquire Pierce writes: "The New York Times had a story on Friday that should’ve brought shame and derision upon anyone who voted for the racist monster in the White House, and upon the racist monster that the other racist monster installed at the head of the Department of Justice." READ MORE Trump Removes US From G-7 Joint Statement Over Escalating Feud With Canada’s Trudea...