John Kiriakou | Trump's Generals
09 February 18 It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News NO PROGRESS AT ALL ON DONATIONS, NADA - 2 days of fundraising, 31 donations less than $500. Plus healthy readership. Apparently a whole lot of people are coming to RSN and not helping. Remember, if only 1% of our subscribers had responded with a donation, the February fundraiser would already be over. True. Seriously need to get this rolling! / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! FOCUS: John Kiriakou | Trump's Generals John Kiriakou, Reader Supported News Kiriakou writes: "Our voices will only be heard if we take to the streets to block this president while we can and then oust him when we're able. Otherwise, before we even realize it, his generals will be running the place." READ MORE enior White House official Rob Porter was forced to resign this week after allegations were made public that he had beaten both of his two ex-wives. Th...