
Showing posts from March 31, 2018

Must Reads: An alleged bribe in an Alabama Senate race and an alleged conspiracy to assassinate Martin Luther King Jr.

Compelling, ambitious reads you can’t afford to miss. For a long time, investigative reporter Shawn Boburg wasn't sure he'd be able to recount an effort by two Roy Moore supporters to discredit Leigh Corfman, a woman who had accused the Alabama Senate candidate of sexual misconduct. Eddie Sexton, who briefly served as Corfman's attorney, said the two men offered him $10,000 to say he didn't believe her. Sexton had evidence to back up his claims, including text messages and recordings of his conversations with the men. But it was complicated by the fact that they were Sexton's clients in a separate legal case, and the attorney was worried that he could be putting his license to practice law at risk by exposing an alleged bribe.  "He wasn't sure he wanted a story at first," said Boburg, who came to The Post in 2015 after exposing New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's "Bridgegate" scandal. "He ignored my phones calls ...

MASSterList: Hefner fallout | Just lead, Charlie | ‘Rascal ghost,’ Part II

Subscribe   Archives   Twitter   Facebook   Instagram This email may be cut off by your email provider. To see today's full MASSterList, click "View entire message" at the bottom, or view the online version  here. By Jay Fitzgerald and Keith Regan 03/30/2018 Hefner fallout | Just lead, Charlie | ‘Rascal ghost,’ Part II Happening Today   Joyce pre-trial conference, firefighters ceremony, opioid-addiction announcement   -- Federal prosecutors and lawyers representing former state Sen.  Brian Joyce  are expected to hold an initial status conference as both sides brace for his corruption trial, Courtroom #1, Fifth Floor, Donohue Federal Building, 595 Main Street, Worcester, 10 a.m. --  Massachusetts eHealth Institute  at MassTech is a co-organizer of the United States Department of Health and Human Services Startup Day, COOP at Hatch Fenway, 401 Park Drive, 8th Floor, Boston, 10 a.m. -- State Fire M...