
Showing posts from April 28, 2018

Robin Wright | Why Trump's Boasts About the Korea Summit Are Premature

28 April 18 It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News WE ARE CLOSE, WE NEED A PUSH NOW: We know that most of you have not donated for April. We have a chance now to finish the April funding-drive. We are asking you to take a moment out of your day to give this organization the support it needs to carry on. One big push will do it. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! FOCUS: Robin Wright | Why Trump's Boasts About the Korea Summit Are Premature  Robin Wright, The New Yorker Wright writes: "'KOREAN WAR TO END!' President Trump declared in a Friday-morning tweet celebrating the Korean summit. 'After a furious year of missile launches and Nuclear testing, a historic meeting between North and South Korea is now taking place. Good things,' he boasted, 'are happening.'" READ MORE Contribute to RSN Become a Fan of RSN on  Facebook  and  Twitter Update My Monthly Donation

Mort Rosenblum | Extra! French Poodle Bites Puffed-Up Yank in the Ass

28 April 18 It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News URGENCY AND PROGRESS - HELP FOLKS! - We are making the best progress on donations we have made all month at this point. Still barely 480 readers out of the 600,000 who have visited RSN this month have contributed. Give us a hand - today, please. With urgency. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! FOCUS: Mort Rosenblum | Extra! French Poodle Bites Puffed-Up Yank in the Ass  Mort Rosenblum, Reader Supported News Rosenblum writes: "Just back from America, I lit up the TV to hear a presidential president, in complete English sentences free of personal pronouns, tell Congress how the United States was destroying a world that badly needs its leadership." READ MORE ust back from America, I lit up the TV to hear a presidential president, in complete English sentences free of personal pronouns, tell Congress how the United States was destroying a world that bad...

MASSterList: The Setti fallout | Bitcoin ransom | Face it, Springfield

Subscribe   Archives   Twitter   Facebook   Instagram This email may be cut off by your email provider. To see today's full MASSterList, click "View entire message" at the bottom, or view the online version  here. By Jay Fitzgerald and Keith Regan 04/27/2018 The Setti fallout | Bitcoin ransom | Face it, Springfield Happening Today Wynn Resorts hearing, Cannabis Commission, Bill Gates in Boston, GOP Convention --  Massachusetts Gaming Commission  meets to hear from Steve Wynn's personal attorney and lawyers for Wynn Resorts, who have argued that Steve Wynn shouldn’t be classified as a casino license ‘qualifier’ since he is no longer with the company, 101 Federal St., 12th Floor, Boston, 10 a.m. -- Gov.  Charlie Baker  holds a private cabinet meeting, Room 488, 10 a.m. --  Cannabis Control Commission  meets to approve additional applications for priority license review and to discuss an investigat...