Week of January 1, 2018

Intrepid Report
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By Bev Conover
On New Year’s Eve, just as I went to upload Monday’s articles to Intrepid Report, my router/modem died. No Internet! I was promised a new one would arrive Tuesday. So much for promises. It finally arrived today after I had, shall we say, some words for tech support.

By Paul Craig Roberts
Among the economic threats are stock, bond, and real estate markets artificially pumped up by years of central bank money creation and by false reports of full employment. It is an open question whether participants in these markets are aware that underlying reality does not support the asset values. Central banks support stock markets not only with abundant liquidity but also with direct stock purchases. The Japanese central bank is now one of the largest owners of Japanese equities. Central banks, which are supposed to provide economic stability, have created a massive fraud.

By Robert Reich
Almost one year in, it’s time for another update for Trump voters on his election promises.

By Stephen Lendman
Millions of defenseless Palestinians endure the full force of Israeli brutality, continuing daily throughout the year, including during holiday season, ignored by Western media.

By Philip A Farruggio
Many thanks to singer/songwriter Donovan’s “Season of the Witch” for inspiration. As New Year 2018 is before us, we are truly in a ‘Season of the Rich.’ One need not be an accountant or financial whiz to know that this so-called ’tax reform bill’ is a super rich man’s gift to the super rich.

By Wayne MadsenPosted on January 4, 2018 by Wayne Madsen
On December 21, 2017, 128-member states of the United Nations General Assembly voted against the United States in condemning the Donald Trump administration’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Moreover, the General Assembly called on member states not to move their embassies in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


By Wayne Madsen
After the Donald Trump administration’s decision to recognize the disputed city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the US embassy there from Tel Aviv, the national aspirations of the Palestinian people to live in their own state have been severely dashed by Washington’s move. Ever since the formation of the United States, it has been American policy to destroy aspirant nations like the internationally recognized State of Palestine.

Because private prisons are classified as ‘real estate investment trusts,’ investors will get a major tax cut thanks to the Republican tax law
By Julia Conley
Investors in the private prison industry in the U.S. will see major tax cuts under the new Republican tax law, making the unpopular law beneficial for those who count on the country’s mass incarceration crisis for financial gain.

By Ben Tanosborn
Changes in US administrations, whether they occur quadrennially or extend a full eight years, only have an atmospherics’ impact on foreign relations but seldom, if ever, on foreign policy. At least, that appears to be the case from the time Ronald W. Reagan assumed the presidency (1981) and, more obviously, since Mikhail (Herod Antipas) Gorbachev gifted to (Salome) America the Soviet Union on a silver platter a decade later, as the head of baptismal communism in the Western world.

By Jane Stillwater
Did a sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl named Ahed Tamimi actually dare to slap an Israeli soldier? Yeah she did. And not only once but a bunch of times too. How and why? Listen up. Here’s the true story. You heard it here first.

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MASSterList: Not doing enough? | 'Moral purity' | JOB BOARD MONDAY

NYT Editorial Board cites POGO


Virginia Couple, Obama Precinct Captain, Murdered by Daughter's Neo-Nazi Boyfriend.

Betsy Woodruff | Trump Administration Is Set to Add Another Burden on Immigrants

The Jerusalem Vote And The US-Israel Link