John Kiriakou | As the Haspel Nomination Looms, the World Is Watching
24 April 18 AM It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News FOLKS, WE - REALLY - NEED SOME PROGRESS ON DONATIONS - We are looking at really poor fundraising returns. Some of you are going to be offended, but we have to improve on this situation. We need you to help. The time is now to get it done. With urgency. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! John Kiriakou | As the Haspel Nomination Looms, the World Is Watching John Kiriakou, Reader Supported News Kiriakou writes: "At every free moment during the week that I was in Athens, with every single interlocutor, their questions for me were the same: How in the world could the U.S. government have a known torturer as director of the CIA?" READ MORE Gina Haspel leading a toast to Ambassador Hugh Montgomery at an awards dinner in October 2017. (photo: YouTube) Over 100 Retired Military Leaders Author Letter Opposing Gina Haspel Maya Rhodan, TIME Rhodan writes: ...