RSN: Robert Reich | Trump Hired Israeli Security Firm to Smear Obama Officials Who Negotiated the Iran Deal
10 May 18 AM It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News RSN Isn’t Something You Can Take for Free - To get what RSN has to offer, you have to be a part of it, you have to participate. That’s the key. It’s the participation that builds the social benefit. RSN, it’s about doing something. Help. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! Robert Reich | Trump Hired Israeli Security Firm to Smear Obama Officials Who Negotiated the Iran Deal Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page Reich writes: "As Trump considered abandoning the Obama-era deal to limit Iran's nuclear program, unnamed aides hoped to discredit the agreement by digging into the personal lives and finances of President Obama's senior advisors." READ MORE Israel hits dozens of sites in military strikes, which it claims were directed at Iranian positions. (photo: Washington Post) Israel Launches Massive Military Strike Against Iranian Ta...