
Showing posts from May 2, 2018

Trump fired him, now Damon Martinez will get his revenge

SUBSCRIBE TO AND SUPPORT VOTEVETS.ORG TO SUPPORT OUR VETERANS! Damon Martinez was a hard-charging U.S. Attorney in New Mexico taking on polluters and corruption while in office. No surprise, that’s what you’d expect from a man who enlisted in the Army after 9/11. Then Donald Trump won. It seems he didn’t quite like Damon’s aggressiveness. So Trump fired him. Now Damon is running for Congress in New Mexico. And if he’s elected, he’ll be in a position to hold Trump accountable. His Democratic primary is right around the corner, and this progressive veteran needs our help. Watch our ad supporting Damon Martinez and make a $10 donation to VoteVets today to help us elect a new generation of progressive veterans leading the fight against Donald Trump. This race is winnable. And because it’s a primary in New Mexico, your support will go a very long way. But if we don’t make our voices heard, we’re likely to get just another establishment choice who will be be...

MASSterList: The amphibious approach | Slow summer | Sorry, Seth

Subscribe   Archives   Twitter   Facebook   Instagram This email may be cut off by your email provider. To see today's full MASSterList, click "View entire message" at the bottom, or view the online version  here. By Jay Fitzgerald and Keith Regan 05/02/2018 The amphibious approach | Slow summer | Sorry, Seth Happening Today   DeLeo on gun safety, firearm divestment, home energy scorecard   -- Massport hosts Worcester Regional Airport's ‘500,00th Passenger Runway Relay’ to celebrate the more than 500,000 passengers who have flown through the airport on JetBlue since 2013, with attendees including Lt. Gov.  Karyn Polito , Worcester Mayor  Joseph Petty  and Massport CEO  Thomas Glynn , 375 Airport Dr., Worcester, 9 a.m. -- Treasurer  Deb Goldberg  will chair the Real Estate and Timberland Committee meeting of the state pension board, PRIM Headquarters, 84 State Street, 2nd Floor Board Room...