RSN: Daniel José Camacho | When the US Government Snatches Children, It's Biblical to Resist the Law

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Daniel José Camacho | When the US Government Snatches Children, It's Biblical to Resist the Law 
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. (photo: Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images)
Daniel José Camacho, Guardian UK
Camacho writes: "This week, attorney general Jeff Sessions quoted the bible to justify a cruel policy that is, in fact, not a required law: the forced separation of immigrant families at the border."

Robert Mueller. (photo: Getty Images)
Robert Mueller. (photo: Getty Images)

Can the President Be Indicted? There's Significant Reason to Doubt Those Saying "No."
Danielle Brian and Sarah Turberville, Just Security
Excerpt: "Can a sitting president be indicted? The public should be skeptical of the argument that a president can't be, which frequently relies on two opinions by the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)."

Scott Pruitt. (photo: AP)
Scott Pruitt. (photo: AP)

We Advised Federal Officials on Ethics for Years. Scott Pruitt Shocks Us.
Virginia Canter and Norman Eisen, The Washington Post
Excerpt: "Pruitt's incessant use of his public office and its employees for personal gain reveals a systemic pattern of corruption - one that has a corrosive impact on the integrity of EPA programs and services. As former government ethics officials, it's clear to us that he can no longer effectively or meaningfully lead the agency he was appointed to head."

Leader of a Salvadoran gang. (photo: Getty Images)
Leader of a Salvadoran gang. (photo: Getty Images)

Immigration Judge Says Woman's Forced Labor Was "Material Support" for Terrorists
Rebekah Entralgo, ThinkProgress
Entralgo writes: "With the Trump administration's implementation of a 'zero-tolerance' policy towards immigration, it's easy to forget that the mistreatment of immigrants seeking the asylum in the United States is nothing new."

Amid Legal Attack on Key Health-Law Provision, Uncertainty and Uproar
Rebecca Asoulin and Mark Trumbull, Christian Science Monitor
Excerpt: "For now, many Americans are concerned about the risk to their insurance. And it's not just people diagnosed with preexisting conditions, it's also those who worry they could fall into that category in the future."
Nicaragua: Ortega Agrees to End Violence, Allow Foreign Inquiry
Excerpt: "The Nicaraguan government and civic groups Friday agreed to halt all violence, in a major step to end two months of political unrest that has left 170 dead and rocked the government of President Daniel Ortega."
Trump Administration Considers Ending Protections for Endangered Gray Wolves
Joe DiFazio, Newsweek
DiFazio writes: "The United States Fish and Wildlife Service, a part of the Department of the Interior, is examining the status of gray wolves and considering ending their endangered species protection in some areas of the U.S."

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