RSN: Juan Cole | Americans Won't 'Sit Up' for Great Leader Trump, Because They Don't Approve of Him
Juan Cole | Americans Won't 'Sit Up' for Great Leader Trump, Because They Don't Approve of Him
![]() Juan Cole, Informed Comment Cole writes: "Trump on Friday added to the astronomic tally of his bizarre brainfarts by saying of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, 'He speaks, and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.'" READ MORE ![]() With each passing day, it's increasingly clear this investigation is neither made up nor built on fake news. (photo: Lyne Lucien/The Daily Beast)
Donald Trump: Russia's Biggest Fan
Frederic B. Hill, The Baltimore Sun Hill writes: "Donald J. Trump is a Russian agent. What else can any sane and objective person conclude after his blindly pro-Russian - and anti-American - comment that Russia should be invited back into the G-7?" READ MORE
Video Shows Border Patrol SUV Hitting Native American Man, Then Driving Away
Simon Romero, The New York Times Romero writes: "Tensions flared on Friday between federal authorities in Arizona and residents of a Native American reservation straddling the border with Mexico after a video surfaced in which a Border Patrol vehicle appears to hit a man from the tribe before driving away." READ MORE ![]() A protest in Puerto Rico. (photo: teleSUR)
Puerto Rico's Case for Independence Due for UN Debate
teleSUR Excerpt: "The Committee of Puerto Rico in the United Nations will argue for the independence of Puerto Rico in the upcoming session of the United Nations Decolonization Committee, according to Prensa Latina." READ MORE
An American Editorial Cartoonist Has Been Fired for Skewering Trump. He Likely Won't Be the Last.
Ann Telnaes, The Washington Post Telnaes writes: "'Oh, good lord.' That was my reaction the day after the election of Donald Trump in November of 2016, when it dawned on me that I would be serving my year as president of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists during the same time as the guy who wanted to 'open up' libel laws and weaken the First Amendment so he could sue journalists more easily." READ MORE ![]() This attack comes after Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East, suffered through the worst cholera outbreak in recorded history. (photo: Anadolu Agency)
US-Backed Coalition Bombs Yemen's New Cholera Treatment Center, After Unleashing World's Largest Outbreak
Ben Norton, The Real News Norton writes: "A military coalition formally led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and supported by the United States and Britain, bombed a newly constructed cholera treatment in Yemen on Monday, June 11." READ MORE ![]() A jaguar. (photo: Natural World)
Jaguar Population Jumps 20 Percent, Trumping Extinction Threat
teleSUR Excerpt: "The magnificent spotted jaguar appears to have trumped the threat of extinction: a recent study shows the species has increased by 20 percent over the past eight years." READ MORE |
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