RSN: Charles Pierce | Russia and the NRA Is a Match Made in Trumpland

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14 June 18
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Charles Pierce | Russia and the NRA Is a Match Made in Trumpland 
Alexander Torshin, the Russian politician who sat at a dinner table with Donald Trump Jr. at the 2016 National Rifle Association convention. (photo: Getty)
Charles Pierce, Esquire
Pierce writes: "It's time to start paying attention to overseas news again, the way thoughtful people did while the previous Republican administration was lying us into a war. For example, there are a couple of tres piquant tales in the UK press today."
Emily Jane Fox | Michael Cohen May Be Getting Ready to Flip
Emily Jane Fox, Vanity Fair
Fox writes: "Bearing down on a Friday deadline to finish designating which documents they believe are protected by attorney-client privilege, the team from McDermott, Will and Emery has been working around the clock, with Cohen spending up to 10 hours a day with his attorneys and associates, some of whom have been sleeping on couches in the firm's offices. That work, however, is as costly as it is time-consuming."
Democrats Shut Down Pennsylvania Ave to Protest Trump's Child Separation Policy
Addy Baird, ThinkProgress
Baird writes: "Several members of Congress risked arrest Wednesday as they protested the Trump administration’s new 'zero tolerance' policy, which separates migrant children from their parents in the event that parents are taken into custody by immigration officials."
Bernie Gets Big Reception at Early 2020 Audition
Ben Kamisar and Lisa Hage, The Hill
Excerpt: "Democratic presidential hopefuls embraced their party's left flank during a presidential cattle call in the nation's capital on Wednesday."
Trump Appointee Compiles Loyalty List of US Employees at UN, State
Colum Lynch and Robber Gramer, Foreign Policy
Excerpt: "A senior advisor to the State Department appointed just two months ago has been quietly vetting career diplomats and American employees of international institutions to determine whether they are loyal to President Donald Trump and his political agenda, according to nearly a dozen current and former U.S. officials."

Children attend a demonstration against Trump Administration's policy of separating children from parents at the Southern border. (photo: AP)
Children attend a demonstration against Trump Administration's policy of separating children from parents at the Southern border. (photo: AP)

The Government Allegedly Ripped a Baby Away From Her Mother While She Was Breastfeeding
Paul Blest, Splinter News
Blest writes: "This is what your federal government is doing to families."
DNC to Ban Donations From Fossil Fuel Companies
Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch
Chow writes: "The Democratic National Committee (DNC) voted unanimously over the weekend to no longer accept campaign contributions from fossil fuel companies."

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