CC News Letter 04 May- Nobel Nonsense: Nominating Donald Trump for the Peace Prize

Dear Friend,

It seems like rich nonsense, but should peace be attained on the Korean peninsula, with arrangements entrenched to ensure durability as opposed to unconvincing window dressing, President Donald Trump might well join the list of frauds and charlatans who have obtained the Nobel Peace Prize.

Prof. Kancha Ilaiah explains his philosophical position in the face attack on his right to life

Also more stories from around the world. 

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In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Nobel Nonsense: Nominating Donald Trump for the Peace Prize
by Dr Binoy Kampmark 

It seems like rich nonsense, but should peace be attained on the Korean peninsula, with arrangements entrenched to ensure durability as opposed to unconvincing window dressing, President Donald Trump might well join the list of frauds and charlatans who have obtained the Nobel Peace Prize.

What Is My Philosophy? 
by Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd

Prof. Kancha Ilaiah explains his philosophical position in the face attack on his right to life

“America-First” Inhumanity: Refugee Children Torn from Parents
by Revolution Newspaper 

This ugly inhumanity toward the children of immigrants is no anomaly; over 700 children have been taken from parents or other adults by the U.S. Border Patrol since October, 2017—more than 100 of them children under the age of 4!

Armenia’s People-Power Revolution, Russia, and the Western Bloc
by David Boyajian 

As we write this, massive peaceful civil actions against Armenia’s establishment have continued under the leadership of Nikol Pashinyan, a National Assembly (N.A.) member who is part of the opposition Yelk (Way Out) Alliance. Though widely unpopular Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan has been forced to resign, his Republican Party (RPA) still has a narrow majority (58 of 105) in the N.A.  Most observers believe that the RPA members were elected through fraud, bribery, and intimidation.

One Must Rail Against This Sin Of Omission In So-called Education Beginning Today: Carry It On
by Flannery O'Connor Academy 

Around 34 minutes into the recent footage from the University of Arizona, one of the most reputable experts on earth respecting our nuclear dynamic makes the definitive statement that through “inadvertence” we could destroy a billion people on earth. Inattention or oversight being brought about because of any one of a number of reasons.

My Question Is… What Is It?
by Richard Oxman 

Why is it that socially committed educators are ignored?

Is Ambedkar still an Untouchable in India?
by Dr. Y. Srinivasa Rao 

Based on the way Ambedkar/ambedkarites treated in this nation, one can say that this nation still treats Ambedkar and his followers as untouchables in every sense of the word.

Kashmir’s Politics of Betrayal and Deceit: An Existential History
by Basharat Shameem 

The story of Kashmir continues to remain a story of betrayals. This history of betrayals dates back to the year 1586 when Akbar enticed Yousuf Shah Chak to Delhi for negotiations and then imprisoned him there, thus, paving the way for independent Kashmir’s annexation in 1589. This was the point when Kashmir first lost its independent identity and nationhood as afterwards one occupier after another came to occupy the land. 

‘ Legalizing ‘ Abuse
by Sheshu Babu 

Now – a- days, the news of rapes and other forms of atrocities have become daily routine. While the number of crimes is rising, number of arrests, let alone convictions, is not increasing.

Countercurrency as Insurgency:    Reflections on the old and new face of the “internet” in light of Gale and Null.
by Mary Metzger 

A rebuttal to Richard Gale and Gary Null's article "Wikipedia: Our New Technological McCarthyism, Part 1 "



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