Robert Reich | How to Stop Trump

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04 May 18
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Robert Reich | How to Stop Trump 
Robert Reich. (photo: Getty)
Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog
Reich writes: "If they really want to stop Trump and prevent future Trumps, Democrats will need to address the causes of Trump's rise."

NRA convention. (photo: Getty)
NRA convention. (photo: Getty)

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In Dallas for the NRA’s annual meeting, where @Everytown has paid for these Russia-themed billboard trucks to drive around the convention center. Already spotted on this morning.

Beckett writes: "Less than three months after the Parkland, Florida, school shooting, the powerful organization is facing a host of new political challenges."

Blair Overstreet and her husband Matt Dunn stand in their spare bedroom that they hope to be able to offer to a family that is part of the Central American caravan seeking asylum in the U.S. (photo: Hayne Palmour/San Diego Tribune)
Blair Overstreet and her husband Matt Dunn stand in their spare bedroom that they hope to be able to offer to a family that is part of the Central American caravan seeking asylum in the U.S. (photo: Hayne Palmour/San Diego Tribune)

ALSO SEE: As Caravan of Migrants Begins Entry at US-Mexico
Border, Trump Admin Attacks Legal Asylum Process

Some Americans Offer to Open Up Their Homes to Central American Asylum Seekers
Cindy Carcamo, Los Angeles Times
Carcamo writes: "The Central American caravan is just the latest lightning rod issue in an increasingly divisive immigration debate."

New Orleans police. (photo: Getty)
New Orleans police. (photo: Getty)

Louisiana Held a Man in Jail for Over 8 Years Without Ever Convicting Him of a Crime
Shaun King, In Justice Today
King writes: "Kevin Smith has never been convicted of the crime that he was arrested for."

Demonstrators rally in support of Arizona teachers. (photo: Getty)
Demonstrators rally in support of Arizona teachers. (photo: Getty)

Arizona Teachers Are Going Back to School After a Six-Day Walkout
Clio Chang, Splinter News
Chang writes: "Building on the example of the historic statewide strike in West Virginia, Arizona teachers returned to school on Friday, ending their own six-day walkout."

A demonstration demands policies to prevent gender-based violence. (photo: Getty)
A demonstration demands policies to prevent gender-based violence. (photo: Getty)

Gender Violence Forces Costa Rica to Declare State of Emergency
Excerpt: "A state of national emergency is being declared in Costa Rica in response to skyrocketing rates of gender and domestic violence against women, it has been announced."

Sunset. (photo: Getty)
Sunset. (photo: Getty)

Carbon Dioxide Has Never Been Higher in Humanity's Existence
Brian Kahn, Earther
Kahn writes: "It's time for your annual reminder humans have pushed the planet into a state unseen in millions of years."

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