THE PEN: Republicans Call For Special Counsel To Prosecute Anyone Who Doesn't Support Trump, Plus Toll-Free NumbERS....

Before you do anything else, please call your members of Congress 
again, especially if any of them are temporarily Republicans, to 
protest their all in for billionaires tax scam. And we have toll-free 
numbers for you. 

The Republicans are putting on their usual done deal brave face. 
Don't fall for it for a second. Your voices can stop this thing cold 
right now, if only more and more of you speak out now. 

House of Representatives toll-free number: 877-795-7862 

Senate toll-free number: 888-516-5820 

Yesterday, Assistant US Attorney Rod Rosenstein, who now stands as 
the bulwark against a partisan sacking of the Mueller investigation, 
was grilled mercilessly by Republicans in the House Judiciary 

And what was their essential complaint? Apparently that every member 
of the FBI and Justice Department hasn't sworn unwavering fealty to 
Donald Trump personally. Ironically, that is precisely what got Trump 
into trouble in the first place, when he demanded such fealty from 
James Comey, and then fired him because he didn't get it. 

What they are ranting about is that someone, who the Inspector 
General determined had sent some private messages expressing dismay 
about Trump's unfitness for office, was REMOVED from the Mueller 
investigation early on, the instant this became known internally. 
Republicans are yelling because Mueller did the RIGHT thing, to 
zealously protect the integrity of his investigation. 

Of course, just about the entire Republican party was saying even 
worse things about Trump during the campaign, and continued to say 
such things privately, and some even publicly all along. Shall we 
appoint a special counsel to investigate all these Republican members 
of Congress too for not slavishly praising dear leader? 

As crazy as this sounds, they are actually accusing their fellow 
Republicans, who dominate positions in all these federal agencies, of 
all being Democratic plants, who were secretly supporting Hillary 
Clinton all along. 

Oh, really? 

You mean when Comey was making a big public show in an intemperate 
press conference of his derogatory opinion of Clinton's handling of 
her emails, when there were leaks about every twist and turn in the 
investigation of her, including the taunting innuendo just a week 
before the election that there was new incrimination evidence, even 
while NOTHING was leaked about the investigation of Russian collusion 
in the Trump campaign going on at the same time. That kind of 
pro-Democratic, pro-Hillary bias? 

Yeah, well, we're not on Mueller's nightmare (for Trump) team of the 
top prosecutors to be found anywhere in the country. But we can 
express our bias plenty, and so can the rest of you. Request your "we 
have a big bias against Trump" message gifts and we can still get 
them to you before the holidays. 

Or proclaim one of our positive messages, support for Medicare for 
All, support for Bernie, etc. 

Just click on any of the buttons on our contributions page to select 
the gifts you want, you can use the same page to just make a 
contribution if you like. 

Gift Requests & Donations: 

Or here is the mailing address if you would prefer to send a check. 

The People's Email Network, PO Box 35022, L.A., CA 90035 

In the meantime, Omarosa was physically dragged out of the White 
House residence last night, when she barged in to try to get Trump to 
intercede to stop her from being fired from her do nothing $180,000 a 
year position. Anyway, getting fired by Trump twice, now that takes 
some real talent. 

We were going to make a joke about Trump being the next to get 
dragged out of the White House residence, by Mueller, but Stephen 
Colbert basically beat us to it the same night. Guess that one was a 
little too easy. 

You may forward this message to any friends who would find it 

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tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. 

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