Frank Rich | The GOP Is About to Tumble Into Full-Scale Panic

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Frank Rich | The GOP Is About to Tumble Into Full-Scale Panic 
Doug Jones. (photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) 
Frank Rich, New York Magazine 
Rich writes: "I am one of those pessimists who thought Moore would eke it out in Alabama. How happy I am to be wrong! I am also one of those optimists who firmly believes that Donald Trump will look for a White House exit before the end of his first term." 
Net Neutrality Defenders Step Up the Resistance 
Alex Johnson and Jo Ling Kent, NBC News 
Excerpt: "A broad coalition of public officials, activists and content producers vowed to hit Control-Alt-Delete on the Federal Communications Commission's vote Thursday to end 'net neutrality' rules intended to make sure that all internet traffic is treated equally." 
Rubio Says He Will Vote No on Republican Tax Bill Without Changes, Other GOP Senators Voice Concern 
Rebekah Entralgo, ThinkProgress 
Entralgo writes: "One of Congress' most spineless senators has thrown a wrench in the Republican Party's plan to overhaul the tax code before Christmas." 
Doubting the Intelligence, Trump Pursues Putin and Leaves a Russian Threat Unchecked 
Greg Miller, Greg Jaffe and Philip Rucker, The Washington Post 
Excerpt: "The personal insecurities of the president - and his refusal to accept what even many in his administration regard as objective reality - have impaired the government's response to a national security threat." 
Health Care Costs Push a Staggering Number of People Into Extreme Poverty 
Nurith Aizenman, NPR 
Aizenman writes: "There's new - and shocking - evidence about the toll that health care costs are taking on the world's most vulnerable." 
Doctors Without Borders: At Least 6,700 Myanmar Rohingya Killed in Single Month 
Scott Neuman, NPR 
Neuman writes: "At least 6,700 Rohingya Muslims were killed in what has been described as 'ethnic cleansing' in Myanmar's Rakhine state over a one-month period between August and September, according to the international aid group Doctors Without Borders." 
The Tax Bill Is a Massive Gift to the Oil Industry - That It May Not Want 
Emily Atkin, New Republic 
Atkin writes: "Drilling in these remote areas carries increased danger for machine operators and wildlife, as well as spill risk. And with the current low price of oil, some argue that drilling in that precarious environment is not economically viable anyway." 

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