We know what these weapons of war were designed for



It's been more than 5 weeks since the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, and Congress' response has been to do the unthinkable: almost nothing.
Today, March for Our Lives events are happening across the nation. Events led by students. What an amazing feat of organizing. They truly have turned this debate around.
As a progressive veterans organization, we stand with them. For those of us who served, we know what these weapons of war were designed to do. We also know that we had to pass a background check and undergo extensive training to carry them.
So today, it's important that we once again make our voices heard and implore Congress to act. Because if we do not let up, eventually they will. And what that happens, we'll win the change we seek.
Sign VoteVets Petition: Tell Congress - debate and vote on legislation that ban assault weapons while keeping all firearms out of the hands of criminals and dangerously mentally ill.
The NRA is hoping that this issue will fade away once again. But it won't. And every donation, ever petition signature, ever phone call, and every marcher makes that clear. That's why this time is different. This time, we will beat the NRA.
All my best,
Jon Soltz
Iraq War Veteran and Chairman



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