CC News Letter 24 March - The Betrayal Of The Future

Dear Friend,

The best minds in the world are worried. They worry about the demise of humanity and along with it most of the species in the world. Dr Andrew Glikson, Earth and Paleo-climate scientist from Australian National University has this dire warning  " A species which has invented combustion, electromagnetic radiation and nuclear energy orders of magnitude more powerful than its own physical potential, needs to be perfectly wise and in control lest it is overwhelmed by these powers."

India's largest bank, the State Bank of India (SBI), has closed as many as four million savings accounts of poor customers between April-January in the current fiscal year for not maintaining the minimum balance. Between April and November 2017, the bank had netted a windfall of Rs 1,771.67 crore, more than its second-quarter profit, from customers for non-maintenance of minimum balance, according to the finance ministry data.

Police brutally attacked a peaceful march dubbed as “Long March” organised by JNU Teachers’ Association and the JNU Students’ Union near INA market New Delhi yesterday. Many students were injured. The police detained 23 students.

Also more stories from around the world. 

If you think the contents of this news letter are critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here 

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

The Betrayal Of The Future
by Dr Andrew Glikson  

A species which has invented combustion, electromagnetic radiation and nuclear energy orders of magnitude more powerful than its own physical potential, needs to be perfectly wise and in control lest it is overwhelmed by these powers.

Inglorious Snitching: Adrián Lamo, Chelsea Manning and Patriotism
by Dr Binoy Kampmark 

Dead at 37 at his Kansas apartment on Wednesday in circumstances that barely struck an interest for most scribblers of the mainstream press, Lamo established his initial claim as one who hacked the Old Gray Lady.  In breaking into The New York Times network in 2003, Lamo proceeded to run up $300,000 in data research fees by means of fake usernames, essentially adding himself to the paper’s payroll.

Data Protection With Concrete Walls And Uncrackable Encryption
by S G Vombatkere

In the absence of laws concerning data security, and with all critical IT hardware and software being purchased from international vendors, the security of the NCC database is questionable, howsoever unquestionable be the intention of its creation. However, there will surely be some habitually suspicious persons who might wonder whether such a database could be used for political purposes.

China Provides Powerful Tracking System For Pakistan’s ICBM Program
by Abdus Sattar Ghazali 

China has sold Pakistan a powerful tracking system in an unprecedented deal that could speed up the Pakistani military’s development of multi-warhead missiles, South China Morning Post has reported.

The Impact of War on Recidivism and Other Undesirable Dynamics
by Richard Oxman 

Why do people go back to prison repeatedly, until they die or are too feeble to commit any more crimes? What the loved ones of the incarcerated tell me — for the most part (having polled hundreds over the years) — is resentment. All “cons” resent the treatment they got as children — from an unfair or sadistic teacher, an insincere or absent father, an uncaring or incompetent mother, an abusive or alcoholic uncle or neighbor, or a myriad of other sources, various grievances — so they commit an act of defiance down the line.

Via Fire and Force: Pushing Envelopes
by Marcel Duchamp Oxman 

Sometimes, perhaps, to achieve that admirable goal, it is necessary to embrace the fire of personal passion and force others — nonviolently, of course, respectfully — to get off of their treadmills. Push others’ envelopes.

Review: Humanity: The World Before Religion, War, And Inequality By Barry Brown
by William Hawes 

In this groundbreaking work, author Barry Brown has managed to definitively prove humankind’s natural tendencies to be peaceful, cooperative, and egalitarian. Brown’s work is the first ever to document the history of humankind before and after the advent of warfare.

Theory Of Security
by Mirza Yawar Baig 

Please understand that Facebook and others benefit by influencing your behavior but can only do that if you allow them to. Do you want to do that? Ask yourself what you are getting in this deal? 

Social Perceptions And Language of Dominance
by T Navin 

The deeply hidden social perceptions on ‘other’ based on class, caste, gender, religion, region and race find its expression in the form of opinions expressed in day to day social interactions. One often comes across opinions which reflect these deeply held biases. These deeply held biases are socially transferred on the basis of one’s own social position in terms of class, caste, gender, religion, race and nation. For those who carry these perceptions, these are the truth.

Final Responsibility Of Partition? Whose? A Brief Analysis!
by M J Aslam 

Even after seventy years of Partition, the discourse as to who, Jinnah or Nehru, Indian Muslim League or Indian National Congress, was responsible for division of the Indian subcontinent. There are divergent views. Some blame Muslim League, some Congress while others both. Every one of these views has some arguments to put before us.

The Great Financial Exclusion Drive Of Banks
by Moin Qazi 

The country’s largest bank, the State Bank of India (SBI), has closed as many as 41.16 lakh savings accounts between April-January in the current fiscal year for not maintaining the minimum balance, reveals an RTI query. Between April and November 2017, the bank had netted a windfall of Rs 1,771.67 crore, more than its second-quarter profit, from customers for non-maintenance of minimum balance, according to the finance ministry data.

JNU #LongMarch Brutally Attacked By Police

Police brutally attacked a peaceful march dubbed as “Long March” organised by JNU Teachers’ Association and the JNU Students’ Union near INA market New Delhi yesterday. Many students were injured. The police detained 23 students.



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