John Kiriakou | Gina Haspel Should Be in the Dock at the Hague

Reader Supported News
19 March 18
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FOCUS: John Kiriakou | Gina Haspel Should Be in the Dock at the Hague 
John Kiriakou. (photo: The Washington Post)
John Kiriakou, Reader Supported News
Kiriakou writes: "Gina Haspel's appointment as CIA director sends a message that is clear to the CIA workforce, to our allies around the world, and to our enemies. That message is that any CIA officer can break the law with impunity and still get promoted; indeed, one can even be promoted to director."
Bernie Sanders, Michael Moore and Elizabeth Warren | Inequality in America: A National Town Hall
Bernie Sanders, Michael Moore and Elizabeth Warren, Reader Supported News
Excerpt: "We live in the richest country in the history of the world, but that reality means little because much of that wealth is controlled by a tiny handful of individuals while more than 40 million Americans live in poverty."

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