RSN: William Boardman | Expanded War, Hunger, Disease, Death in Yemen No Big Deal to US

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13 June 18
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William Boardman | Expanded War, Hunger, Disease, Death in Yemen No Big Deal to US 
Yemen. (photo: Getty Images)
William Boardman, Reader Supported News
Boardman writes: "With the antiseptic, opaque prose of diplomatic hypocrisy, the US secretary of state officially turned a blind eye to the pending carnage its ally the UAE (United Arab Emirates) is preparing to unleash on Yemen, already the world’s most serious humanitarian crisis."

Trump and associates. (photo: Javier Zarrracina/Vox)
Trump and associates. (photo: Javier Zarrracina/Vox)

There's Actually Lots of Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion
Matthew Yglesias, Vox
Yglesias writes: "Republicans from Donald Trump on down have made 'no collusion' a mantra. The term itself is ill-defined in this context; you won’t find it in the US code. But roughly speaking, the question is whether the campaign got involved with Russian agents who committed computer crimes to help Trump win the 2016 presidential election."

The old border wall. (photo: Getty Images)
The old border wall. (photo: Getty Images)

Trump Administration Considering Tent Cities to Hold Migrant Children on Military Bases
Addy Baird, ThinkProgress
Baird writes: "The Trump administration is looking into erecting tent cities to hold immigrant children on military bases, according to a report Tuesday afternoon. The Trump administration is looking into erecting tent cities to hold immigrant children on military bases, according to a report Tuesday afternoon."

Puerto Rico Releases Data on Hundreds of Deaths Following Hurricane Maria
Daniella Cheslow, NPR
Cheslow writes: "The new count comes as questions swirl around the official death toll and reports that hundreds of bodies remain unclaimed in the island's main morgue."

Here's How Much Money America's Biggest Corporations Have Stolen From Their Own Workers
Branko Marcetic, Jacobin
Marcetic writes: "How do the biggest corporations earn such massive profits? They'd like you to think it’s the result of delivering a superior product or service."
Calm Down, Carnivores: Fake Meat With Real Flavor Is Good for All of Us
Aine Carlin, Guardian UK
Carlin writes: "At this stage of the 21st century we should all be aware of the strain livestock production puts on the planet. So it's a head-scratcher that people are up in arms after Sainsbury’s announced it would be stocking a new range of faux meats alongside the real thing."

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