RSN: Jane Mayer | One Koch Brother Forces the Other Out of the Family Business

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09 June 18
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Jane Mayer | One Koch Brother Forces the Other Out of the Family Business 
David Koch, of Koch Industries, resisted resigning despite his declining health, according to sources close to the family, but his brother Charles forced him out. (photo: Krista Schlueter/NYT)
Jane Mayer, The New Yorker
Mayer writes: "The retirement of David Koch from Koch Industries will make it easier to see more clearly what has been true from the start: Charles and David Koch, who came to be known as 'the Koch brothers,' were equals in bloodlines and in wealth, but Charles has always been the brains behind the brothers' vast corporate and political operations."
Donald Trump Calls for G7 to Readmit Russia
Julian Borger and Anne Perkins, Guardian UK
Excerpt: "Donald Trump has called for Russia to be readmitted to the G7 club of world leaders, opening up a new rift with US allies who swiftly contradicted him at a contentious summit in Quebec."
Jeff Sessions' Brilliant Plan to Speed Up Immigration Courts Backfires
Jorge Rivas, Splinter News
Rivas writes: "Attorney General Jeff Sessions's clearly well-considered plan to make immigration courts move faster appears to have come back to bite him."
Parkland Students Are Taking Their Activism on the Road This Summer With a 20-State Bus Tour
Melissa Chan, TIME
Chan writes: "It's not going to be a quiet summer off for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. With the school year ending, many of the Parkland school shooting survivors are taking their political activism on the road."

Workers at a Fight for 15 protest in Chicago. (photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Workers at a Fight for 15 protest in Chicago. (photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Millennials: Unions Good, Corporations Bad
Cole Stangler, Jacobin
Stangler writes: "Pew Research Center has just released its annual survey on public opinion and unions in the United States."
Families of Mexico's Missing 43: 'President Must Honor Ruling' to Establish Truth Commission
Excerpt: "Relatives of Mexico's missing 43 Ayotzinapa students, believed abducted and murdered in September 2014, have called on President Enrique Pena Nieto to comply with a court order to reinvigorate the investigation and establish a Truth Commission."
As EPA Scandals Mount, Scott Pruitt Is Radically Reshaping Agency to Aid Polluters and Big Business
Robert Weissman, Democracy Now!
Weissman writes: "Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt is again facing a slew of ethics and spending scandals amid mounting calls for his resignation."

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