RSN: Elizabeth Warren Makes a Case for Democrats to Be the Anti-Corruption Party

Warren was speaking at Georgetown University, at an event called The War on Regulation, and her speech was a robust defense of federal agencies such as the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau—the parts of the government that keep lead paint out of toys, insecticide out of medicine, and bad brakes out of cars.
The point seems obvious, but it bears repeating: while much of the press, and therefore the country, is preoccupied by the President’s daily outbursts on Twitter and by the leaks and twists of Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress have been aggressively rolling back regulations of all kinds. The effects of some of these changes may not be directly felt by the voting public for years, when a major health crisis, a financial collapse, or some other catastrophe suddenly arrives, but the risks are being created right now.

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FOCUS: Elizabeth Warren Makes a Case for Democrats to Be the Anti-Corruption Party 
Senator Elizabeth Warren. (photo: Mark Wilson/Getty)
Sheelah Kolhatkar, The New Yorker
Kolhatkar writes: "Warren's proposals directly connect the idea of fighting corruption with pushing back against the Trump Administration's deregulation work."

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