RSN: William Boardman | Israeli Snipers Kill Unarmed, Defenseless People: Isn’t That Murder?

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William Boardman | Israeli Snipers Kill Unarmed, Defenseless People: Isn’t That Murder? 
Palestinian protesters. (photo: Mohammed Abed/AP)
William Boardman, Reader Supported News
Boardman writes: "Israel’s deliberate, methodical, selective assassination of unarmed, peaceful Palestinians in Gaza has gone on for years, punctuated by periods of deliberate, but random killing with air strikes and artillery."

Donald Trump. (photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Donald Trump. (photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

DOJ to Investigate 'FBI Spying' on Trump Campaign
Al Jazeera
Excerpt: "The US Department of Justice has said it will investigate whether the FBI spied on Donald Trump's presidential campaign for political motives, following the US president's call for an inquiry."

Kristi Gilroy hugs a young woman at a police check point near the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where 17 people were killed by a gunman on February 15, 2018 in Parkland, Florida. (photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
Kristi Gilroy hugs a young woman at a police check point near the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where 17 people were killed by a gunman on February 15, 2018 in Parkland, Florida. (photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Assault Weapons Manufacturer Is Upset That School Shootings Are Costing It Money
Judd Legum, ThinkProgress
Legum writes: "Vista Outdoor, a major manufacturer of assault weapons, is complaining that school shootings, particularly the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that left 17 dead, is having an adverse impact on its profits."

A prisoner. (photo: Getty Images)
A prisoner. (photo: Getty Images)

Think Prison Abolition in America Is Impossible? It Once Felt Inevitable
Joshua Dubler and Vincent Lloyd, Guardian UK
Excerpt: "To end mass incarceration, we need prison abolition. Impossible? Not so long ago, prison abolition felt almost inevitable."

Typing. (photo: hamburg_berlin/Shutterstock)
Typing. (photo: hamburg_berlin/Shutterstock)

We Surveyed 100 Security Experts. Almost All Said State Election Systems Were Vulnerable.
Derek Hawkins, The Washington Post
Hawkins writes: "The midterm elections are less than six months away, but an overwhelming 95 percent of digital security experts surveyed say state election systems are not sufficiently protected against cyberthreats."

Nicholas Maduro with oil workers during a visit to a facility at the oil rich Orinoco belt at the state of Monagas. (photo: Miraflores Palace/Reuters)
Nicholas Maduro with oil workers during a visit to a facility at the oil rich Orinoco belt at the state of Monagas. (photo: Miraflores Palace/Reuters)

Nicolas Maduro Wins Venezuelan Presidential Elections
Excerpt: "President Nicolas Maduro won the Venezuelan presidential elections Sunday, gaining a second presidential term for six years with more than 5.8 million votes, the National Electoral Council (CNE) announced Sunday night."

The dried lakebed of Lake Mead. (photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
The dried lakebed of Lake Mead. (photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

We Can Now See How Humans Have Altered Earth’s Water Resources
Eric Holthaus, Grist
Holthaus writes: "For millennia, humans have harnessed rivers, built dams, and dug wells to quench our growing civilization. Now, for the first time, we have a picture of what all those generations have wrought on our blue planet’s most defining resource."

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