RSN: Michael Moore | We Need a National Holiday Dedicated to Peace

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05 May 18
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FOCUS: Michael Moore | We Need a National Holiday Dedicated to Peace 
Filmmaker Michael Moore. (photo: The New York Times)
Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page
Moore writes: "43 years ago today (April 30, 1975), Vietnam defeated the United States in the Vietnam War." 

orty three years ago today (April 30, 1975), Vietnam defeated the United States in the Vietnam War. Every great philosopher from Jesus to Buddha to Thomas Jefferson has said you can only win when you are willing to admit your defeats & make amends for your mistakes. 58K American dead, — 9 from my high school, two from my street. 2M-4M SE Asians dead. Shame. Sorrow. We ask the Vietnamese for forgiveness. We should make this day a national holiday so that we never forget the consequences of our actions when we invade someone else’s country. Make this a holiday so that we forever remember that the Masters of War are always willing to sacrifice us for their greed. Make this a day committed to a Permanent Peace. April 30th — The U.S. Day of Peace. A necessary holiday.

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