RSN: Juan Cole | Trump Warmonger Moves on Iran Are From Iraq Playbook

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Juan Cole | Trump Warmonger Moves on Iran Are From Iraq Playbook 
George W. Bush and Donald Trump. (photo: Getty)
Juan Cole, Informed Comment
Cole writes: "I teach a lot of 18 year olds, so I am keenly aware that a whole generation has come up who did not live through the Bush propaganda campaign against Iraq of 2002-2003. And, of course, a lot of people who did live through it have forgotten its details or how complicit corporate media were in amplifying the campaign."

Novartis said it had paid Essential Consultants, a shell company set up by Michael Cohen in Delaware. The arrangement related to 'US healthcare policy matters.' (photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Novartis said it had paid Essential Consultants, a shell company set up by Michael Cohen in Delaware. The arrangement related to 'US healthcare policy matters.' (photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Mueller Investigating Payments to Michael Cohen, Swiss Drug Giant Confirms
Jon Swaine, Guardian UK
Swaine writes: "Novartis confirms it paid Trump's lawyer's company nearly $400,000 and was questioned by officials from special counsel's office last year."

Donald Trump holds up a memorandum that reinstates sanctions on Iran after announcing the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday. (photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty)
Donald Trump holds up a memorandum that reinstates sanctions on Iran after announcing the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday. (photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty)

Trump Has Wrecked One of the Most Successful Arms-Control Deals in Modern History
Fred Kaplan, Slate
Kaplan writes: "With his decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal, President Trump has committed his most irresponsible act in foreign policy to date."

Gina Haspel, President Trump's nominee to be director of the Central Intelligence Agency. As a C.I.A. officer she ran a
Gina Haspel, President Trump's nominee to be director of the Central Intelligence Agency. As a C.I.A. officer she ran a "black site" in Thailand. (photo: Shawn Thew/EPA)

I Have a Few Questions for Gina Haspel
Fatima Boudchar, The New York Times
Boudchar writes: "I was abducted from exile in Southeast Asia and secretly jailed in one of Libya's worst dungeons. But the worst torture of my life wasn't done to me by Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi's thugs. It was done in Thailand at the hands of the C.I.A."

Bernie Sanders heading to the Senate chamber on 26 April. (photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty)
Bernie Sanders heading to the Senate chamber on 26 April. (photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty)

Bernie Sanders Introduces Senate Bill Protecting Employees Fired for Union Organizing
Mike Elk, Guardian UK
Elk writes: "The Workplace Democracy Act would increase penalties for employers that fire workers illegally due to union organizing."

Residents of Pajuiles maintain a camp under a banner reading
Residents of Pajuiles maintain a camp under a banner reading "For water and for life we will go to the end. Unity and struggle, Pajuiles resists." photo: Louis Bockner/Upsidesdown World)

Honduras: Hydroelectric Company Bypasses Resistance by Military Force
Jackie McVicar, Upside Down World
McVicar writes: "A day after a Honduran judge dismissed charges of land invasion against 10 people from Pajuiles, at least 300 soldiers and police surrounded the small community near the North Coast of Honduras early Thursday morning in a show of force while guarding the company behind a controversial hydroelectric dam in the region."

Scientists and campaigners in New York join a day of action in January 2017 to urge US senators to stand with science and against the climate policies of President Trump. (photo: Getty)
Scientists and campaigners in New York join a day of action in January 2017 to urge US senators to stand with science and against the climate policies of President Trump. (photo: Getty)

The Thinking Error at the Root of Science Denial
Jeremy P. Shapiro, The Conversation
Shapiro writes: "Currently, there are three important issues on which there is scientific consensus but controversy among laypeople: climate change, biological evolution and childhood vaccination. On all three issues, prominent members of the Trump administration, including the president, have lined up against the conclusions of research."

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