RSN: Garrison Keillor | On Turning 76

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26 May 18
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Garrison Keillor | On Turning 76 
Garrison Keillor. (photo: A Prairie Home Companion)
Garrison Keillor, Garrison Keillor's Website
Keillor writes: "The lilacs are in bloom out at the old family homestead and it's pleasant to stand by the bushes and smell them and recall that the outhouse used to stand a few feet away. Who does not feel his faith in resurrection strengthened by this news? We've all been stinkers at times but once we leave the body behind, we shall bloom in the life to come."


The NRA spent more than $30 million to boost Trump’s campaign.

Donald Trump Jr. (photo: Getty Images)
Donald Trump Jr. (photo: Getty Images)

FBI Obtained Wiretap Conversations of Kremlin-Linked Banker Who Met With Trump Jr.
Judd Legum, ThinkProgress
Legum writes: "Spanish police secretly recorded conversations between Alexander Torshin, an official at Russia's Central Bank with close ties to the NRA, and Alexander Romanov, a Russian who was convicted of money laundering, Yahoo News reports. The discussions were related to a meeting Torshin had with Donald Trump Jr. at the NRA convention in May 2016."

Representative Keith Ellison speaks at a rally on Capitol Hill held by low-wage contract workers in Washington, D.C., November 13, 2014. (photo: Molly Riley/AP)
Representative Keith Ellison speaks at a rally on Capitol Hill held by low-wage contract workers in Washington, D.C., November 13, 2014. (photo: Molly Riley/AP)

DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison: The Democratic Party Should Stay Out of Primaries, Let Voters Decide
Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzales and Keith Ellison, Democracy Now!
Excerpt: "Voters in Georgia, Texas, Arkansas and Kentucky headed to the polls Tuesday to determine a number of key primaries, and it was another big night for female Democratic candidates."

A U.S. Border Patrol agent. (photo: Luke Sharrett)
A U.S. Border Patrol agent. (photo: Luke Sharrett)

Border Patrol Changes Its Story on Killing of 20-Year-Old Guatemalan Immigrant
David Boddiger, Splinter News
Boddiger writes; "U.S. Customs and Border Protection appears to be modifying its version of what happened Wednesday when an agent shot and killed 20-year-old Guatemalan migrant Claudia Patricia Gomez Gonzalez near Laredo, TX."

Donald Trump. (photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Donald Trump. (photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Donald Trump Says 'Our Ancestors Tamed a Continent' and 'We Are Not Going to Apologize for America'
Jason Le Miere, Newsweek
Le Miere writes: "President Donald Trump said at a Naval Academy commencement address Friday that 'our ancestors tamed a continent,' adding that 'we are not going to apologize for America.'"

Israeli soldiers search Palestinians. (photo: Reuters)
Israeli soldiers search Palestinians. (photo: Reuters)

Robert Fisk | How Long Are We Going to Pretend Palestinians Aren't People?
Robert Fisk, The Independent
Fisk writes: "Monstrous. Frightful. Wicked. It's strange how the words just run out in the Middle East today. Sixty Palestinians dead. In one day."

Mountain Valley Pipeline protester 'Nutty' looks out from her monopod in the Virginia forest on her 49th day 45 feet above the ground. (photo: Garrett MacLean/Guardian)
Mountain Valley Pipeline protester 'Nutty' looks out from her monopod in the Virginia forest on her 49th day 45 feet above the ground. (photo: Garrett MacLean/Guardian)

America's Tree Sitters Risk Their Lives on the Front Line
Drew Philip, Guardian UK
Philip writes: "Way out in the Appalachian hills, on the line between Virginia and West Virginia, after an hour-long backwoods hike up Peters Mountain, an orderly clutch of tents were surrounded by a plastic yellow ribbon that read, 'police line do not cross.'"

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