Jon Tester is under attack


Jon Tester is under attack. He helped stop the nomination of Ronny Jackson to head the VA, and he’s a target because of it.

A target of the president’s rage on Twitter and at rallies. A target of deep-pocketed outside spending. And a top target of Republicans in his re-election campaign.

VoteVets has his back because as the Democratic leader of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, he’s had ours. We’re not gonna let him face down millions in attack ads without telling Montanans about the great work he’s done.
Help us help Jon Tester:

Republicans are going to fight tooth and nail to keep the Senate, but we’ll be damned if they are going to let Senator Tester’s leadership in the fight to stop Ronny Jackson take him down.

Chip in $10 today. Stand with Jon Tester.

Thank you so much,
The team at VoteVets




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