Jill Abramson | James Comey Has Issued a Plea for Decency. When Will Republicans Listen?

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Jill Abramson | James Comey Has Issued a Plea for Decency. When Will Republicans Listen? 
Former FBI director James Comey. (photo: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA)
Jill Abramson, Guardian UK
Abramson writes: "In the interview, Comey declared Trump to be 'morally unfit to be president', and compared him to a mafia don, someone without a scintilla of decency. He provided evidence to support these harsh words."

Gina Haspel speaks at the William J. Donovan Award Dinner, Oct. 2017. (photo: OSS Society/NBC)
Gina Haspel speaks at the William J. Donovan Award Dinner, Oct. 2017. (photo: OSS Society/NBC)

Spencer Ackerman | Top CIA Lawyer in 2014: Haspel Ran 'The Interrogation Program'
Spencer Ackerman, The Daily Beast
Ackerman writes: "Long before Donald Trump ever nominated Gina Haspel to run the CIA, a memoir from a former CIA top attorney contained a line with the power to do serious damage to her chances."

Michael Cohen, longtime personal lawyer and confidante for President Donald Trump, leaving the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on Monday. (photo: Drew Angerer/Getty)
Michael Cohen, longtime personal lawyer and confidante for President Donald Trump, leaving the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on Monday. (photo: Drew Angerer/Getty)

Trump Team Worries Michael Cohen Could Turn Against the President
Joe Palazzolo, Michael Rothfeld and Michael Siconolfi, The Wall Street Journal
Excerpt: "One of President Donald Trump's longtime legal advisers said he warned the president in a phone call Friday that Michael Cohen, Mr. Trump's personal lawyer and close friend, would turn against the president and cooperate with federal prosecutors if faced with criminal charges."

Attorney General Josh Hawley and Gov. Eric Greitens. (photo: AP)
Attorney General Josh Hawley and Gov. Eric Greitens. (photo: AP)

Missouri Gov Eric Greitens Asks for Restraining Order Against Attorney General
Ason Hancock and Steve Vockrodt, The Kansas City Star
Excerpt: "Gov. Eric Greitens' attorneys have asked a Cole County judge to issue a restraining order blocking Attorney General Josh Hawley from investigating the governor."

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. (photo: Jason Andrew/Getty)
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. (photo: Jason Andrew/Getty)

Luke Barnes, ThinkProgress
Barnes writes: "A group of 131 representatives and 39 senators, all of them Democrats, signed a resolution on Wednesday calling on embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to resign."

Attorney General Jeff Sessions. (photo: Nicholas Kamm/Getty)
Attorney General Jeff Sessions. (photo: Nicholas Kamm/Getty)

Trump Administration Wants to Shut Door on Abused Women
Julia Preston, Politico
Preston writes: "Attorney General Jeff Sessions, from his position as the top official in charge of the immigration courts, is leading a broad review to question whether domestic or sexual violence should ever be recognized as persecution that would justify protection in the United States."

Warming ocean water contributes to sea level rise and can strengthen hurricanes. Hurricane Irma's storm surge last year was the latest to flood Jacksonville, Florida. (photo: Sean Rayford/Getty)
Warming ocean water contributes to sea level rise and can strengthen hurricanes. Hurricane Irma's storm surge last year was the latest to flood Jacksonville, Florida. (photo: Sean Rayford/Getty)

Florida Kids Sue Gov. Scott Over Climate Change: You Have 'Moral Obligation' to Protect Us
Georgina Gustin, Inside Climate News
Gustin writes: "Eight young Floridians, ages 10 to 19, sued their state and its climate-policy-averse governor on Monday for failing to protect residents from the impacts of a warming climate."

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