Alex Ross | How American Racism Influenced Hitler

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Alex Ross | How American Racism Influenced Hitler 
Adolf Hitler. (photo: Getty Images)
Alex Ross, The New Yorker
Ross writes: "The Nazis idolized many aspects of American society: the cult of sport, Hollywood production values, the mythology of the frontier."

United States House of Representatives chamber. (photo: Wikimedia Commons)
United States House of Representatives chamber. (photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Trump's 2019 Nightmare
Drew Littman, Slate
Littman writes: "You can see why Trump stops short of firing Mueller. If a rash decision to dispatch the special counsel costs Republicans their House majority, the president will subject himself to a ceaseless barrage of charges, confessions, and revelations."

Tom Perez, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. (photo: Justin Lane/EPA)
Tom Perez, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. (photo: Justin Lane/EPA)

'Protecting Our Democracy': DNC Chair Defends Suit Against Trump and Russia
Tom McCarthy and Martin Pengelly, Guardian UK
Excerpt: "Chairman Tom Perez on Sunday defended the Democratic National Committee's decision to sue Russia, WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign over Russian election interference, saying the DNC was 'protecting our democracy.'"

Daryl Metcalfe. (photo: Facebook)
Daryl Metcalfe. (photo: Facebook)

Pennsylvania's Most Homophobic Lawmaker Lashes Out at Liberals in Unhinged Rant
Zack Ford, ThinkProgress
Ford writes: "The rant seems to have been provoked by another Democratic lawmaker who had a troubling interaction with Metcalfe."

Lead levels in Ms. Walters' home were found to be seven times acceptable limits. (photo: Goldman Prize)
Lead levels in Ms. Walters' home were found to be seven times acceptable limits. (photo: Goldman Prize)

Goldman Environmental Prize Goes to Flint Water Activist
BBC News
Excerpt: "The founder of a citizens' movement that helped expose the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, is one of the recipients of the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize."

A mother of one of the kidnapped students protests in front of the military barracks in Chilpancingo, Guerrero. April 20, 2018. (photo: Twitter/@lezam_saavedra)
A mother of one of the kidnapped students protests in front of the military barracks in Chilpancingo, Guerrero. April 20, 2018. (photo: Twitter/@lezam_saavedra)

Mexico: 43 Months Since Kidnapping of 43 Ayotzinapa Students
Excerpt: "Families, relatives and friends of the 43 rural students, known as the Ayotzinapa 43 and kidnapped by local police in the state of Guerrero, in Mexico, were holding protests and actions this week to mark 43 months since the disappearance of the students as they demand real answers and investigations from the government."

The Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., president and CEO of the Hip Hop Caucus. (photo: Pia Guerra)
The Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., president and CEO of the Hip Hop Caucus. (photo: Pia Guerra)

13 Climate Justice Leaders Imagined as Comic Superheroes
YES! Magazine
Excerpt: "On Earth Day, April 22, Amplifier will release the comic art series #MyClimateHero, portraying leaders of the modern climate justice movement. Amplifier is a Seattle-based art design lab that facilitates art aimed at 'amplifying the voices of social change,' according to its website."

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