Week of March 5, 2018

Intrepid Report

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How and why
By Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay
On January 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890–1969), 34th President of the United States, (1953–1961), and a five-star general, gave a Farewell address that has echoed through the years. He not only warned his fellow citizens about the danger of a “military-industrial complex,” which could “endanger our liberties or democratic processes,” but he also issued a wish in saying that “we want democracy to survive for all generations to come.”

By Wayne Madsen
Multiple reports from inside the Trump White House and the FBI that point to a major on-going counter-intelligence investigation of the financial dealings and foreign intelligence contacts of Trump’s “Secretary for Everything,” son-in-law Jared Kushner, and Trump’s daughter and Kushner’s wife, Ivanka Trump, are also raising their close connections to Chabad organizations.

By Edward Curtin
Last month, I wrote that “all signs point toward an upcoming large-scale Israeli/U.S. attack on Lebanon and Syria, and all the sycophantic mainstream media are in the kitchen prepping for the feast. Russia and Iran are the main course, with Lebanon and Syria who wll be devoured first, as the hors d’oeuvres.” Those signs are growing more numerous by the day.

By Robert Reich
Before I turn to Jared Kushner, let me ask: Do you believe the U.S. government does the right thing all or most of the time?

By Margaret Kimberley
Apparently there is nothing worse in America than the act of shooting white people. Ever since the latest attack at a Florida high school, there has been talk of little else. The school shooting enveloped every other issue and was used to vilify Russia, the FBI, Bernie Sanders and the National Rifle Association all at once. One cannot watch a YouTube video without being subjected to the NRA’s public relations juggernaut meant to quiet a population which had forgotten about shootings for awhile.


By Eric Zuesse
The same people, Republicans and Democrats, who lied through their teeth for an invasion of Iraq in 2003, are doing it again for an invasion of Russia, sometime soon, so as to ‘defend’ ‘democracy.’ The U.S. has by now swallowed up virtually all lands surrounding Russia, at least in Europe, the latest being Ukraine, and is placing its missiles now on and near Russia’s borders, which is to Russians like would be to Americans if Russia had swallowed up Canada and were placing its missiles there. But the lying holier-than-thou U.S. Establishment accuses Russia of being ‘aggressive’ when Russia holds war-games on and near its borders in order to prepare for a U.S.-NATO invasion, which actually looks increasingly likely to them every day—and not because of ‘Russian propaganda,’ but because of the U.S. government’s actions.

By Robert Reich
Donald Trump once said he identified with Ayn Rand’s character Howard Roark in “The Fountainhead,” an architect so upset that a housing project he designed didn’t meet specifications he had it dynamited.

By Stephen Lendman
In 2015, Leopoldo Lopez was arrested, prosecuted and convicted, and imprisoned for inciting months of violence and related crimes against the state—a US-regime change plot still ongoing to replace Bolivarian social democracy with fascist tyranny.

By Linda S. Heard
Can it be pure coincidence that the BBC has chosen to broadcast two scathing documentaries presented and written by Orla Guerin—The Shadow over Egypt and Crushing Dissent in Egypt—alleging forced disappearances and torture literally weeks before the presidential election?

By Kathy Kelly
Here in Kabul, as the rising sun begins to warm our chilly rooms, I hear excited laughter from downstairs. Rosemary Morrow, a renowned Australian permaculture expert, has begun teaching thirty-five young students in a month-long course on low-resource farming.


By Wayne Madsen
At a Republican Party fundraising dinner and reception held at his Mar-a-Lago resort over the weekend, Donald Trump remarked that he envies Chinese President Xi Jinping for having recently abolished the two-term limit for his office, thus opening the way for Xi to remain as president of China for life, well past what had been a presidential term that was due to expire in 2023. At 64 years of age, Xi could remain as president well into the 2030s and, quite possibly, beyond.

By Michael Winship
Trying to write about the current resident of the White House and his odious pals is like being trapped in a warehouse, condemned to assemble endless Ikea products without instructions or that little hexagon key doohickey. The work never ends, you have no idea what goes where, illogic reigns and there always are extra parts left over. A screw loose, for example . . .

By Stephen Lendman
On Monday in Washington, Trump and Netanyahu met for the fifth time, discussing their imperial agenda, their partnership in regional wars of aggression, their strategy for what’s planned.

By Linh Dinh
Traveling, I prefer to be on the ground, for that’s how you get an overview of the countryside. The bus from Saigon to Phnom Penh took more than seven hours, but that included 30 minutes for lunch, plus 45 more at the border. My seatmate was a young fellow, Morris, from Halle, Germany, and we had a fruitful, wide ranging conversation. For a moment, I had mistaken him for a woman, for he had a pony tail and such a smooth, unblemished face.

By Lawrence Davidson
For much of human history, the idea of freedom had little meaning. This was because life was, as Thomas Hobbes put it, “poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” And while he thought this descriptor applied to life outside of society, for a long time it did not really matter—life within pre-modern societies often had the same limiting character. Religious belief in these same times reflected this depressing fact by asserting that there was no hope of meaningful freedom in this life. To achieve it you would have to die and go to Heaven. So, what set you free was death.


By Wayne Madsen
According to The Washington Post, U.S. intelligence has yielded information that Donald Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, a presidential adviser with numerous portfolios, including Middle Eastern adviser, was manipulated by several foreign governments, including, primarily, Israel, to seek favors with the Trump administration. Other nations named by U.S. intelligence sources as influencing Kushner are the United Arab Emirates—a present Israeli ally, China, and Mexico.

By Stephen Lendman
Benjamin Netanyahu is a world class thug, facing possible indictment for fraud and breach of trust, his dark side ignored at AIPAC, attendees welcoming him rapturously.

By Brian Cloughley
On February 18, the leader of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, declared that Iran “is trying to establish this continuous empire surrounding the Middle East from the south in Yemen but also trying to create a land bridge from Iran to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. This is a very dangerous development for our region.” Netanyahu’s presentation was dismissed by the Iranian foreign minister as “a cartoonish circus,” but it was nonetheless a reflection of the policy of the United States, which is Israel’s mentor and unconditional ally.

By Margaret Kimberley
The desire to see a black face in a high place is a legacy of slavery and the century of Jim Crow segregation that followed. The psychological impact of America’s apartheid is enduring, and unlikely to end without true revolutionary change.

Instead of creating jobs, big businesses are using their tax cut bonanza to hike stock value and CEO pay.
By Jim Hightower
Remember last year when Donald Trump and his congressional Trumpeteers bragged that their “yuge” tax cut for corporations would spark a “yuge” corporate spending spree to create new jobs and higher wages?


By John W. Whitehead
I’m not a fan of Communist China.

By Jessica Corbett
With a decision that could have far-reaching implications, a federal judge in California has ordered the first ever U.S. court hearing on climate science for a “public nuisance” lawsuit, meaning that major oil and gas companies for the first time may have to go on the record regarding what they knew about the planetary impacts of their products—and when.

By Paul Craig Roberts
Americans live a never-never land existence. The politicians and presstitutes make sure of that.

By Ramzy Baroud
As global voices continue to demand the freedom of 17-year-old teenage Palestinian girl Ahed Tamimi, Israeli authorities have arrested nine additional members of her family.

By Gilad Atzmon
Al Jazeera reported Wednesday that the Israeli parliament has passed a law that allows the Minister of Interior to revoke the residency rights of any Palestinian in Jerusalem on grounds of a “breach of loyalty” to Israel.

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