A Different Screaming Must Come Across the Sky Now

Dear Friend,

As 2017 winds down and a new year is about to be born, it's time for us to take a fresh look at our converging crises and as Richard Oxman says "SCREAM". In his powerful short article "A Different Screaming Must Come Across the Sky Now" he looks back at the second world war period when not a single motor car was manufactured in USA! He writes poignantly, "I pray that it will be obvious to the reader that WE CAN… mobilize anew. And that to get the ball rolling each reader must step back from the Nihilism now in vogue, and become the rogue citizen who stands out from the crowd screaming something Positive across the sky, even if it’s not what I recommend."

Also more stories from around the world. 

If you don't mind, and if you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here http://www.countercurrents.org/news-letter/. 

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

2017: Another Difficult And  Hard Year For American Muslims
by Abdus Sattar Ghazali 

The seven-million American Muslims remained under siege since 9/11/2001 through reconfiguration of US laws, policies and priorities but their plight has taken a new twist under President Donald Trump whose anti-Muslim policies alarmingly fomented hate crimes against them.

Trump And Jerusalem: Long Term Implications
by K P Fabian 

It is customary to blame the Arabs in general and the Palestinians specifically for their sad plight. But, that is a wrong conclusion. The Palestinians are more sinned against than sinning. President Trump has unwittingly made it easier for the Islamic State to find new recruits. It is painfully clear that one now lives in a world with decreasing respect and increasing contempt for international law.

Preparing For The Coming Transformation
Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers

These transformative issues include economic inequality, lack of access to health care, ensuring Internet freedom and a people’s media, confronting climate change and environmental disasters, ending US Empire and militarism at home, and addressing domestic human rights abuses, whether it is exploitation of workers, mass incarceration, racism or disrespect for Indigenous sovereignty. Throughout all of these issues there is a thread of racial injustice so our struggles must not just solidify around class issues, but must also solidify around the necessity of ending systemic racism.

A Different Screaming Must Come Across the Sky Now
by Richard Oxman 

I pray that it will be obvious to the reader that WE CAN… mobilize anew. And that to get the ball rolling each reader must step back from the Nihilism now in vogue, and become the rogue citizen who stands out from the crowd screaming something Positive across the sky, even if it’s not what I recommend.

Domination Of The Other Is Inbuilt In The Ideology Of Majoritarianism
by Dr. Y. Srinivasa Rao 

In the modern democratic societies, the emergence of majoritarianism, as political ideology is a organised well thought of response of the social, religious, ethnic and racial majorities to the new progressive, democratic, secular and political philosophies/ideologies which have posed serious challenge. Afraid of losing the social and cultural monopoly, the majority invents socio-religious rituals, festivals, customs and traditions as tools of guaranteeing the domination and provided permanency to such a domination. There are three visible processes, through which the culture of majority goes through to keep itself afloat:    1) the form, nature and method of rituals goes through reforms, 2) it would be implanted into the national institutional structures as general culture and 3) it goes through the process of hypocritical secularisation.

Thrusting Forward With Fencing Foil And Else-Wise
by Sally Dugman 

I like my disgusting (and they are), vaulted ways. They serve me well as I have directed them — this tendency to always want to win while triumphing and having self-glorification in my gain. I also love smiting. Yet I learned to twist this impulse to serve us all.

Dalit Student Of IIT Kanpur Missing From Campus Since 29th November 2017

Akshay Kamble, an IIT Kanpur third year Computer Science student, hailing from    Badlapur,Maharashtra, has been missing from campus  since November 29, 2017. The 20‐year old dalit student had gone  missing after he reportedly left the campus on 29th to catch a train  for Mumbai. But he did not reach home at the expected time. 

India’s Failed Food System
by Moin Qazi 

India grows enough food to meet the needs of its entire population, yet is unable to feed millions of them, especially women and children. India ranks 100 in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) — 2017 of 119 countries, where it has consistently ranked poor. Even as millions of Indians go to sleep on an empty stomach, the country wastes food worth a whopping Rs 58,000 crores in a year — about seven per cent of its total food production. It is lost during production, processing, retailing and consumption.

Kashmir Needs Resolution, Not Management!
by Mohammad Ashraf 

As always, people from every side are trying to “manage” the problem in Kashmir rather than resolve it once for and all!



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