No Selfies This New Year

Dear Friend,

What does "Happy New Year'' really means. Satya Sagar explains

Tiny yet tall standing Eritrea is pulverized by the imperialist forces.  On the 14 Nov 2017 the UNSC again voted to continue the sanction regime. 11 affirmative and 4 abstained( Bolivia, Egypt, Russia and China): Resolution 2385.

An example from Uttarakhand on Community Based Response To Climate Change

Also more stories from around the world. 

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In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

No Selfies This New Year
by Satya Sagar 

What does "Happy New Year'' really means. Satya Sagar explains

Trump versus The FBI
by Dr Binoy Kampmark 

In the new year, the antics will continue and Trump will, as he has all year, continue to receive blows with a certain nonchalance.  He will also retaliate in kind.  The establishment forces have been busy on various fronts, but the Trump machine, authoritarian, unreflective, but resolute, continues to function with indignant disdain. As long as that lasts, he will thrive.

Continued Unjust Sanctions Against Eritrea In 2017
by John Graversgaard 

Western Imperialism continues to use UN to demonize Eritrea with no substantial and valid arguments. With sanctions in the Security Council(UNSC) the masters of the universe and their fellow-travellers hope to cripple this proud and independent nation. But in vain. On the 14 Nov 2017 the UNSC again voted to continue the sanction regime. 11 affirmative and 4 abstained( Bolivia, Egypt, Russia and China): Resolution 2385.

The Sufi Path To Bliss
by Moin Qazi 

Nobel Laureate Doris Lessing has followed the Sufi path for a significant part of her life. She explains its attraction, “Sufi truth is at the core of every religion, its heart, and religions are only the outward vestments of an inner reality.” She writes further: “They will find the word mysticism has lost its bizarre associations and that the way of the Sufi reveals itself as a sophisticated view of life, embodied in people who through the centuries have always been in advance of their time.”

Christianity’s Social Message Of Love Conquers All Still Remain Most Powerful
by Vidya Bhushan Rawat 

The most important part should be how our education, health and civil society become inclusive and Christian community can help with its vast commitment to social causes as well as the wider network that it has all over the country. The more they spread their outreach the caste forces will be upset with them. We feel at the end it will be SatyamevJayate and forces of evil and destruction will be destroyed.  It is time people must speak up their own experiences with the community so that the false propaganda is exposed in the greater interest of our combine cultural heritage as well as unity and integrity of the country.

The ‘Globalization Of Indifference’ In A Year Best Forgotten
by Dr Arshad M Khan 

What has stood out this year as 2017 draws to a close, is the “globalization of indifference,” a term coined by Pope Francis.

Koan: What Is the Sound of One Hand Clapping?
by Gary Corseri

1) Nothing.  One hand cannot clap….
2) Half the sound of 2 hands clapping….

Remaining Peaceful Was Their Choice
by Kathy Kelly 

People living now in Yemen’s third largest city, Ta’iz, have endured unimaginable circumstances for the past three years. Civilians fear to go outside lest they be shot by a sniper or step on a land mine. Both sides of a worsening civil war use Howitzers, Kaytushas, mortars and other missiles to shell the city. Residents say no neighborhood is safer than another, and human rights groups report appalling violations, including torture of captives. Two days ago, a Saudi-led coalition bomber killed 54 people in a crowded market place.

Why Are Trump’s Troops Training ISIS Terrorists?
by Eric Zuesse 

So: America’s ISIS training camps might have thousands of extremely well-armed fighters to pay (by the Sauds) and train (by the Americans) to fight against Bashar al-Assad’s forces — prolonging the war against Syria, continuing the Syrian carnage.

Pakistan: Teachers And Farmers Protests Brutally Crushed In Sindh
by Ali Mohsin 

On December 25, primary, secondary and high school teachers in Karachi held a defiant protest against the Sindh government due to its refusal to provide them with permanent jobs despite having agreed to do so in 2014. The provincial government is refusing to honor its agreement even after forcing teachers to pass a rigorous examination conducted by the National Testing Service and the University of Sindh.

Community Based Response To Climate Change: Experiences From Uttarakhand
Co-Written by Ashish Kumar Singh, Vidya Bhooshan Singh & Siddhartha Negi

Uttaranchal Youth And Rural Development Centre (an organization working in the Himalayan region of India) has developed integrated project titled “Coping with Uncertainty: Community Resilience and Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in the Indian Himalayan Region (CCwU)”. The objective of the project is to deal with the risk of climate change in Indian Himalayan Region where the sensitivity of the climate change is high which adversely affects the natural resources as well as traditional ecosystem services.




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