Massive ‘Break the Internet’ Revolt This Week to ‘Save Net Neutrality’, Doing politics – Shaping of the Common Enemy

Dear Friend,

There will be massive ‘Break the Internet’ Revolt This Week to ‘Save Net Neutrality’.The demonstrations will vary widely, depending on the platform. “Facebook and LinkedIn users will ‘break’ their profiles by changing their relationship status to ‘Married’ (to net neutrality) or adding a new ‘job’ of ‘Defending Net Neutrality'”

Also more stories from around the world. 

If you don't mind, and if you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here 

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Massive ‘Break the Internet’ Revolt This Week to ‘Save Net Neutrality’
by Jake Johnson 

The demonstrations will vary widely, depending on the platform. “Facebook and LinkedIn users will ‘break’ their profiles by changing their relationship status to ‘Married’ (to net neutrality) or adding a new ‘job’ of ‘Defending Net Neutrality,'” Fight for the Future noted in a press release on Monday. “Websites and apps will participate by doing something to ‘break’ their platform and encourage their users to contact Congress.”

The ‘Last Martyr’: Who Killed Kamal Al-Assar?
by Dr Ramzy Baroud

When I learned of the death of Kamal al-Assar, a few years ago, I was baffled. He was only in his 40s. I remember him in his prime, a young rebel, leading the neighborhood youth, armed with rocks and slingshots, in a hopeless battle against the Israeli army. Understandably, we lost, but we won something far more valuable than a military victory. We reclaimed our identity.

How Afghan Jihad Triggered Insurgency In Kashmir?
by Nauman Sadiq  

Although Pakistan’s security establishment has been willing to conduct military operations against the TTP militants which are deemed a security threat to Pakistan’s state apparatus, but as far as the Kashmir-centered Punjabi militants, including Lashkar-e-Taiba, and the Afghanistan-focused Quetta Shura Taliban, including the Haqqani network, are concerned, they are still enjoying impunity because such militant groups are regarded as ‘strategic assets’ by the security establishment.

Serious Allegation of Pakistan Meddling in Our Internal Matters Must Be Probed
by Vidya Bhushan Rawat

We all condemned Mani Shankar Iyer for his ‘neech’ remark which the partners in media jumped and began spreading like the rumour spreading mills but now Prime Minister continue to dig and speak like a helpless leader have made things worst to say the least. Have we ever seen a prime minister virtually crying in his attempt to polarise the voters ? Where has your Gujarat model gone ? What is this model which the prime minister is unable to speak now and resorting to calumny and false tirade.

Do Justice To Yourself
by Rachel Olivia O'Connor 

Mildred, the middle-aged mother at the center of Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, is a one-woman Justice League out to avenge the murder of her teenage daughter. She’s got a spectacularly vulgar mouth, a fearless take-no-prisoners attitude, and a relentless drive to see justice done– whatever the cost to her family, her community, or her own shaky reputation and psyche.

BC Federation Of Labour Raises Voice For Saibaba
by Gurpreet Singh

The largest labour group of British Columbia has raised voice for the physically disabled Delhi University Professor being incarcerated in the Indian jail since March this year.

Each Adversity Has A Seed Of Triumph
by Moin Qazi 

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. Everyone knows the cliché, of course, and  brave people often rise above adversity to climb great heights. Given that life hands lemons to everyone from time to time, the bravest approach is to turn those “lemons” into  lemonade. I put this lesson to the best use in my own life.

Open  Letter  To  The    Honourable  Chief  Justice  of    India
by Sumanta Banerjee 

May  I,  as  an  ordinary  citizen  of    India,    request  you  to  enlighten  me  as  to  whether  some    of  the  recent  judgments  of    the  Supreme  Court  over  which  you  preside,  have  emanated  from  schizophrenia,  amnesia    or  megalomania  ?

The Great October Revolution: Punishment’s politics
by Farooque Chowdhury 

The article is the last (4th) section of the 5th part, in abridged form, of a series composed on the occasion of the Great October Revolution Centenary.

Indramal Bai’s suicide – An Institutional Murder
by Shivani Taneja 

At about 12:30 on 20th November, Indramal Bai, succumbed to her burns, and left us. Even before we were able to get this update ready, she left this world and those who loved her behind. Pushed to the tipping point, Indramal Bai, is one among many in the Pardhi community whose life has been lost because of systemic police torture and harassment, a culture of criminalising communities and of limitless impunity. Indramal Bai shall be remembered – in love, certainly, but also in rage and solidarity…

Rally For Babri Episode Held In Canada
by Gurpreet Singh 

Braving cold weather, dedicated South Asian activists gathered at the Holland Park in Surrey on Saturday to hold rally in commemoration of the 25 years of the demolition of Babri Mosque.

Doing politics – Shaping of the Common Enemy
by Debjanee Ganguly 

At the time of pressing that button, who is the Other that the voter will vote against? Who is the common enemy of Gujarat that is keeping the state from promises of progress and economic boom? It needs a very level-headed voter to know the enemy, to recognize it and try to combat it.



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