Andy Borowitz | Pence Asks Jesus to Rapture Him Up Before Mueller Can Indict Him

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10 December 17 PM
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Andy Borowitz | Pence Asks Jesus to Rapture Him Up Before Mueller Can Indict Him 
Mike Pence. (photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg/Getty Images) 
Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker 
Borowitz writes: "Vice-President Mike Pence has requested that Jesus Christ rapture him up before the special counsel Robert Mueller can indict him, a source close to Pence confirmed on Friday." 
Roy Moore's Story Is Unraveling 
William Saletan, Slate 
Saletan writes: "Moore knows these women, and they have evidence to prove it. If Moore is fully investigated by the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, he'll be exposed not just as a former predator, but as a current slanderer." 
Jeremy Corbyn | Time for a Fundamental Break With the World Order 
Jeremy Corbyn, Jacobin 
Corbyn writes: "Some want to use Brexit to turn Britain in on itself, rejecting the outside world, viewing everyone as a feared competitor. Others want to use Brexit to put rocket boosters under our current economic system's insecurities and inequalities, turning Britain into a deregulated corporate tax haven, with low wages, limited rights, and cut-price public services in a destructive race to the bottom." 
Forgetting His Efforts to Limit Voter Access, Trump Lauds Voting Rights Heroes 
Ryan Koronowski, ThinkProgress 
Koronowski writes: "The event was saddled with controversy that the organizers did not anticipate nor desire, as the president, distrusted by many black leaders, prompted prominent civil rights figures to boycott the opening ceremonies." 
Democrats Eye Gains in Pennsylvania Trial on 'Goofy' Gerrymandering 
Joseph Ax, Reuters 
Ax writes: "In Pennsylvania state Senator Daylin Leach's bid to win a seat vital to the Democratic Party's chances in 2018 elections of taking control of the U.S. Congress, his opponents may not be his biggest obstacle." 
Rebecca Solnit | Let This Flood of Women's Stories Never Cease 
Rebecca Solnit, Literary Hub 
Solnit writes: "There's a problem with the way feminism moves forward in reaction to breaking news stories. It brings focus to a single predator, a single incident, and people who haven't faced the pervasiveness of misogyny can build stories around it about why this was the exception, not the rule." 
How Monsanto's GM Cotton Sowed Trouble in Africa 
Joe Bavier, Reuters 
Bavier writes: "In 2000, farmers in Burkina Faso, Africa's top cotton grower, were desperate. Their cotton fetched top prices because its high-quality fibre lent a luxurious sheen to clothing and bedsheets. But pests - bollworms - were threatening the crop." 

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