Tom Engelhardt | Who Cares? Not Them, Not It, Not Him, Not (Evidently) Us

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25 December 17
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FOCUS: Tom Engelhardt | Who Cares? Not Them, Not It, Not Him, Not (Evidently) Us 
President Trump. (photo: Getty) 
Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch 
Engelhardt writes: "I'm sure it won't be news to you that, when it comes to him - and I mean, of course, President Donald J. Trump, who reputedly has a void where the normal quotient of human empathy might be - don't give it a second's thought. Beyond himself, his businesses, and possibly (just possibly) his family, he clearly couldn't give less of a damn about us or, for that matter, what happens to anyone after he departs this planet." 

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