Wish you all a Merry Christmas

Dear Friend,

I'm taking a two day's break for Christmas. Wish you all a Merry Christmas. Stay safe.

Also more stories from around the world. 

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In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Trump’s Path To Nuclear War
by Walt Gelles

Donald Trump’s reckless policies, belligerence, volatile personality, and rejection of diplomacy have brought the world to the brink of war in Korea.  Such a war could rapidly turn nuclear, killing hundreds of thousands or millions of people, spreading deadly radiation across the planet, and likely involving China and Russia. The following timeline reveals how dangerous the situation is—a situation artificially ratcheted up by U.S. President Trump and his fellow warmongers.  

Japan Increases Its Defense Budget And US Arms Industry To Benefit
by Dr Vivek Kumar Srivastava 

North Korea has been put under more severe sanctions by the Security Council yesterday. The North Korean regime has emerged as threat to the peace in the area surrounding it. There is another aspect of this threat which has come in form of increased weaponisation and psychology of fear and threat in several countries. Japan is among those which has increased its draft defense budget to ¥5.19 trillion for year 2018 from ¥5.13 trillion of 2017 after a cabinet decision. The budget has been mainly aimed to purchase the missile defense system in order to protect from the North Korean attacks, thus providing more protection to Japan.

Let Yemenis Live
by Kathy Kelly 

Ordinary people who prefer not to be represented by vicious warlords and who face no risk of torture, disappearance or other frightening punishments (people like me for instance) have a responsibility to speak up visibly and clearly. Time is running out for the children of Yemen. The Crown Prince is mistaken. Any war, long or short, may seem to favor the perpetrators, but in the long run wars sow seeds of revenge, retaliation, hatred and death. Real courage requires control over our fears and mutual agreements to protect the most vulnerable among us. Especially the children.

Sanctions Fever: The Trump Administration And Human Rights
by Dr Binoy Kampmark 

It’s the season to be jolly, and the Trump administration has been busy doling out gifts.  Sanctions seem to be top of the pile, derived from that trove of options outlined in the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.  The law, initially introduced in 2012, targets the bank assets of those unfortunate enough to make it to the US Treasurer’s list.

Rohingyas Trapped In Cob-Web Of Dirty Politics
by Badrul Islam

The Rohingya crisis reflects intention of the Myanmar government to forcibly oust the Muslims from Rakhine State. The brutal attack on unarmed civilians and placing of landmines along its border by Military in coordination with Border Guard Police and armed Rakhine Buddhists is the proof. Coastal area in Rakhine state is clearly of strategic importance to both China (0ne Belt 0ne Road Policy) and India (Look East Policy).Myanmar government has vested interest in clearing land for development projects that brings oil and gas revenues, transit fees, employment for its citizen- that boost economic growth. In such situations human costs are terribly high.

Russia Signs Two Billion Deal To Supply Turkey S-400 Missile System As Duma Ratifies Expanding Russian Naval Base In Syria
by Abdus Sattar Ghazali 

Apparently, in a reconfiguration of positions in the geopolitics, Turkey, a NATO-member, has signed a $2 billion deal to buy the S-400 Russian air defense missile system while Russian Duma voted on Thursday (Dec. 21) to extend Russia’s lease of a naval base in Syria for 49 years,

2018, America’s New Corporate Tax Cuts And Future Of The World
by Irwin Jerome 

It doesn’t take a mystic to look into a crystal ball to realize that America’s new draconian corporate tax cut scam now is not only the greatest financial heist and political con to be committed in recent modern history, that will make the 2008 so-called “bail-out’ of the banks, Wall Street and theft of the US Treasury look like paltry child’s play by comparison. One doesn’t also have to be a clairvoyant either to see how this scam will begin to shape the way humans of the future look, think and feel about themselves, one another and the kind of career paths they will ultimately choose for themselves, their wives, husbands and families.

Ahed Tamimi Is Part Of The Palestinian Generations R – For Return
by Rima Najjar 

The detention of Ahed Tamimi of the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, along with her human rights activist mother Nariman Tamimi, for “lightly slapping” an Israeli soldier, as Amira Hass put it in Haaretz, is remarkable only because of the high profile, courage and sumoud (steadfastness) of the Tamimi family, who were featured on the cover of The New York Times Magazine in 2013.

CAR’s Report on Islamic State’s Arms is Misleading
by Nauman Sadiq 

During the last week, a report by the Conflict Armament Research (CAR) on the Islamic State’s weapons found in Iraq and Syria has been doing the rounds on the media. Before the story was picked up by the mainstream media, it was first published [1] in the Wired on December 12, which has a history of spreading dubious stories and working in close collaboration with the Pentagon and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) under its erstwhile reporters Noah Shachtman and Spencer Akerman, both of whom are now the national security correspondents for the Daily Beast, though this particular report has been written by Brian Castner, “a former US Air Force explosive ordnance disposal officer and a veteran of the Iraq War.”

Cardinal Law, Law And Morality
by Sally Dugman 

I first learned about Cardinal Law some years ago in a news report. A seven year old stood by a busy road or a highway crying. A woman stopped to pick him up. He had jumped at a traffic light or some other type of stop (such as brought by a stop sign) out of the man’s car.

Protecting That Which We Love!
by Sally Dugman 

Please join me to salvage whatever we can save. It won’t be this particular apple farm, but maybe it can be something else!

by Annapurna Tosca Sriramarcel 

Thomas Paine’s pamphlet of January 10, 1776 was, as everyone knows, an important factor in bringing about the issuance of the Declaration of Independence. Common Sense pointed out that the colonies received no advantage from their connection with the mother country, which was intent on exploiting them; a firm and final and violent break from the mother country was what was demanded, said Paine, to secure the necessary and justifiable break… relief from the injustices being imposed on the populace, what was enraging many citizens.

Reading  “Kaalu Bhangi” In Today’s India
by Ashraf Lone 

Krishan Chander(1914-1977) is considered one of the great short story writers, Urdu literature has produced  Krishan Chander was a firm believer in the upliftment of the oppressed and downtrdden.



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