RSN: NY AG Eric Schneiderman Resigns Amid Sexual Abuse Allegations

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08 May 18 AM
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NY AG Eric Schneiderman Resigns Amid Sexual Abuse Allegations 
As Eric Schneiderman used the authority of his office to assume a major role in the #MeToo movement, the distress of four women with whom he has had romantic relationships or encounters grew. (photo: Oliver Munday and Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Jane Mayer and Ronan Farrow, The New Yorker
Excerpt: "Schneiderman is facing a reckoning of his own. As his prominence as a voice against sexual misconduct has risen, so, too, has the distress of four women with whom he has had romantic relationships or encounters."

Voters at a polling precinct. (photo: Getty Images)
Voters at a polling precinct. (photo: Getty Images)

Seven Primaries to Watch Today
Lisa Hagen, The Hill
Hagen writes: "Tuesday is one of the biggest primary days of 2018."

A one-year-old from El Salvador clings to his mother after she turned themselves in to Border Patrol agents on December 7, 2015, near Rio Grande City, Texas. (photo: John Moore/Getty Images)
A one-year-old from El Salvador clings to his mother after she turned themselves in to Border Patrol agents on December 7, 2015, near Rio Grande City, Texas. (photo: John Moore/Getty Images)

Children to Be Separated From Parents Illegally Crossing Border Under New Trump Admin Policy
Joseph Tanfani and Cindy Carcamo, Los Angeles Times
Excerpt: "The Trump administration will increase criminal prosecutions of parents entering the United States illegally and place their children in protective custody as part of efforts to tighten immigration enforcement, according to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official."

Bernie Sanders. (photo: Antonella Crescimbeni)
Bernie Sanders. (photo: Antonella Crescimbeni)

Bernie Gets Socialistic
Max B. Sawicky, Jacobin
Sawicky writes: "A national job guarantee has opened radical horizons for the Left. We should fight for it - but the devil is in the details."

The National Rifle Association's annual convention. (photo:
The National Rifle Association's annual convention. (photo:

NRA Boycotts Dallas Restaurant for Supporting 'Reasonable and Effective Gun Regulations'
Samantha Schmidt, The Washington Post
Schmidt writes: "With about 80,000 people converging in Dallas for the National Rifle Association's annual convention, one local restaurant decided to send a message to the flood of visitors."

Kabul has acknowledged civilian casualties occurred. (photo: Gloria Wilson)
Kabul has acknowledged civilian casualties occurred. (photo: Gloria Wilson)

Afghan Air Attack Killed 30 Children
William Gallo, VOA News
Gallo writes: "An Afghan Air Force attack on an open-air religious gathering killed 30 children and wounded 51 more last month, according to a United Nations investigation published Monday."

International shipping counts for more than 2 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions, roughly the same as aircraft. (photo: iStock)
International shipping counts for more than 2 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions, roughly the same as aircraft. (photo: iStock)

The Race Is On to Decarbonize the 50,000-Plus Ships That Carry Our Stuff Around the World
Fred Pearce, Ensia
Pearce writes: "Earlier this month, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a U.N. agency in charge of shipping, agreed to cut total greenhouse gas emissions from shipping by at least 50 percent by 2050, and to pursue 'efforts towards phasing them out entirely.'"

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