RSN: Nick Turse | Narco-Corruption, ISIS 3.0, and the Terror Drone Attack That Never Happened, Pentagon Documents Detail Dystopian Dangers

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29 May 18
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FOCUS: Nick Turse | Narco-Corruption, ISIS 3.0, and the Terror Drone Attack That Never Happened, Pentagon Documents Detail Dystopian Dangers 
The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan in the Pacific Ocean with ships assigned to Rim of the Pacific 2010 combined task force as part of a photo exercise north of Hawaii. (photo: Dylan McCord/U.S. Navy)
Nick Turse, TomDispatch
Turse writes: "For almost 20 years, U.S. drone warfare was largely one-sided. Unlike Afghans and Yemenis, Iraqis and Somalis, Americans never had to worry about lethal robots hovering overhead and raining down missiles. Until, that is, one appeared in the skies above Florida."

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