RSN: The Anti-Trust Case of the Century Collides With Michael Cohen

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The Anti-Trust Case of the Century Collides With Michael Cohen 
AT&T C.E.O. Randall Stephenson. (photo: REX/Shutterstock)
Joe Pompeo, Vanity Fair
Pompeo writes: "AT&T and Time Warner may have thought things would be relatively quiet between the conclusion, nearly two weeks ago, of their dramatic month-long Department of Justice showdown in a federal courtroom in Washington, and Judge Richard Leon's anticipated June 12 ruling in what has been called 'the anti-trust case of the century.' Then along came Michael Avenatti."

Emmanuel Macron. (photo: Frederick Floran)
Emmanuel Macron. (photo: Frederick Floran)

Trump's Manufactured Crisis
Derek Davidson, Jacobin
Davidson writes: "Donald Trump's decision this week to violate the United States' obligations under the 2015 Iran nuclear deal came as no surprise in Europe."

Is health care behemoth UPMC doing right by Pittsburgh? (image: Slate/Thinkstock/Spoon Graphics)
Is health care behemoth UPMC doing right by Pittsburgh? (image: Slate/Thinkstock/Spoon Graphics)

Do We Really Want an "Amazon of Health Care"?
Jordan Weissmann, Slate
Weissmann writes: "To some locals, however, the hospital expansion signified something quite different: the latest example of a giant, voracious nonprofit expanding without paying its fair share back to the community."

Shopping in Boston. (photo: ThinkProgress)
Shopping in Boston. (photo: ThinkProgress)

The GOP Farm Bill Actually Punishes Working Families Receiving SNAP
Rebekah Entralgo, ThinkProgress
Entralgo writes: "Next week, the House will vote on a farm bill largely constructed by Republicans. The bill, which traditionally has been a bipartisan effort, will re-authorize a number of farm and nutrition assistance programs - this includes funds for food stamps, officially known as Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP)."

Child detainees sleep in a holding cell at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection processing facility in Brownsville, Texas. (photo: Eric Gay/AP)
Child detainees sleep in a holding cell at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection processing facility in Brownsville, Texas. (photo: Eric Gay/AP)

Immigration Officials Are Using Pseudoscience to Justify Jailing Teenage Asylum Seekers With Adults
Democracy Now!
Excerpt: "This week, the Trump administration announced it will detain asylum seekers and separate them from their children at the border."

Corozal, Puerto Rico. (photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Corozal, Puerto Rico. (photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Puerto Rico Insists It's Ready for the Next Hurricane Season Even Though It's Still Recovering
Nidhi Prakash, BuzzFeed News
Prakash writes: "Puerto Rican officials announced emergency storm preparedness plans on Thursday, less than a month before the next hurricane season begins. The island is still recovering from hurricanes Irma and Maria."

People protest the end of the Flint's water distribution program in Lansing, Michigan. (photo: Getty Images)
People protest the end of the Flint's water distribution program in Lansing, Michigan. (photo: Getty Images)

After Public Backlash, Nestle Will Give Flint More Water
Yessenia Funes, Earther
Funes writes: "Some residents of Flint, Michigan, were not happy when they found out last month Nestle was going to pump more water out of a nearby spring and pay close to nothing - especially given that just a few days later, the state ended the city's free water distribution program."

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