Garrison Keillor | A Winning Candidate for 2020

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26 April 18
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Garrison Keillor | A Winning Candidate for 2020 
Garrison Keillor. (photo: MPR)
Garrison Keillor, Garrison Keillor's Website
Keillor writes: "Finally we see some spring in Minnesota, temperatures edging into the 50s, maybe 60s, snow gone except in the crevices, green grass, the miracle of going outdoors in shirtsleeves. It's like the Rapture except that everyone gets to enjoy it, not just the select few."

Trump's friends at Fox. (photo: Fox News)
Trump's friends at Fox. (photo: Fox News)

Trump's Fox and Friends Interview Is Already Creating Legal Problems
Adam K. Raymond, New York Magazine
Raymond writes: "For President Trump, the territory doesn't get any friendlier than Fox and Friends. But that's not how he treated the show that helped launch his political career during an unhinged interview Thursday morning."

Bill Cosby departs Montgomery County in Morristown, Pennsylvania. (photo: Jacqueline Lama/AP)
Bill Cosby departs Montgomery County in Morristown, Pennsylvania. (photo: Jacqueline Lama/AP)

Bill Cosby Convicted on 3 Counts of Aggravated Indecent Assault
Laura Benshoff and Bobby Allyn, NPR
Excerpt: "A Pennsylvania jury has found Bill Cosby guilty on three counts of aggravated indecent assault, setting the comic legend up for the possibility of years of imprisonment for drugging and sexually violating a woman 14 years ago on a couch in his Cheltenham, Pa. home."

Toronto attack: the scene of the crime. (photo: Cole Burston/Getty)
Toronto attack: the scene of the crime. (photo: Cole Burston/Getty)

Incel, the Misogynist Ideology That Inspired the Deadly Toronto Attack, Explained
Zack Beauchamp, Vox
Beauchamp writes: "Alek Minassian, the man who killed 10 people by driving a van down a busy street in Toronto on Monday, is a terrorist."

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson testified before a Senate Banking Committee hearing March 22. (photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson testified before a Senate Banking Committee hearing March 22. (photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Tracy Jan, Caitlin Dewey and Jeff Stein, The Washington Post
Excerpt: "Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson proposed far-reaching changes to federal housing subsidies Wednesday, tripling rent for the poorest households and making it easier for housing authorities to impose work requirements."

Sports stadium in China. (photo: Getty)
Sports stadium in China. (photo: Getty)

How Do You Control 1.4 Billion People?
Robert Foyle Hunwick, The New Republic
Hunwick writes: "China's social credit system, which becomes mandatory in 2020, aims to funnel all behavior into a credit score."

The Lower Granite Dam is one of the four Lower Snake River dams Earthjustice is fighting to remove. (photo: Chris Jordan-Bloch/Earthjustice)
The Lower Granite Dam is one of the four Lower Snake River dams Earthjustice is fighting to remove. (photo: Chris Jordan-Bloch/Earthjustice)

Alarming "Salmon Extinction Act" Passes in US House
Excerpt: "A small group led by Republicans in Congress spearheaded a bill that passed in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday, April 25. If the bill becomes law, it could lead to the eventual extinction of wild salmon in the Columbia and Snake rivers - iconic species in the Pacific Northwest that the federal government is required by law to protect."

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