Andy Borowitz | Fired Trump Staffers Hold Reunion

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Andy Borowitz | Fired Trump Staffers Hold Reunion 
'The Reunion.' (photo: Jochen Tack/Alamy)
Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker
Borowitz writes: "Former White House staffers who were fired by Donald Trump held their first reunion on Easter Sunday in Houston's Astrodome."

Jason Wilson (left), Simona Mangiante and George Papadopoulos outside of Hydrate in Chicago. (photo: Jason Wilson)
Jason Wilson (left), Simona Mangiante and George Papadopoulos outside of Hydrate in Chicago. (photo: Jason Wilson)

Report: Trump Aide Papadopoulos Said Sessions 'Encouraged' Contact With Clinton 'Dirt' Professor
Judd Legum, ThinkProgress
Legum writes: "On Thursday at a Chicago nightclub, Papadopoulos had some drinks and, in a conversation with a new acquaintance, allegedly made new and explosive claims about Attorney General Jeff Sessions."

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks in San Jose, California, in October 2016. (photo: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg/Getty Images)
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks in San Jose, California, in October 2016. (photo: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

Facebook Allows Advertisers to Target Users on the Basis of Their Interest in Illegal Firearms
Mark Joseph Stern, Slate
Stern writes: "Advertisers are not permitted to 'promote the sale or use of weapons, ammunition, or explosives' on Facebook. So why might they wish to target users based on their interest in specific firearms?"

Alton Sterling. (photo: Facebook)
Alton Sterling. (photo: Facebook)

Not Charging the White Officers Who Killed Alton Sterling Is a Travesty
Colleen Kane Gielskie, ACLU
Kane Gielskie writes: "The failure to hold police accountable for the killings of Black men and boys is standard practice at both the local and federal level."

Public employees rallying at the Kentucky state capitol on March 30, 2018. (photo: BeckerforKY/Twitter)
Public employees rallying at the Kentucky state capitol on March 30, 2018. (photo: BeckerforKY/Twitter

Kentucky Schools Are Shut Down Today Amid a Growing Grassroots Worker Rebellion
Eric Blanc, Jacobin
Blanc writes: "There is a blatant offensive to destroy public education in Kentucky. They say that the way to save the schools is to privatize them. And this is clearly part of a national agenda."

Winnie Madikizela-Mandela: 'I would do everything I did again if I had to. Everything.' (photo: Gulshan Khan/AFP/Getty Images)
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela: 'I would do everything I did again if I had to. Everything.' (photo: Gulshan Khan/AFP/Getty Images)

South Africa: Anti-Apartheid Activist Winnie Mandela Dies at 81
Jason Burke, Guardian UK
Burke writes: "Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, the iconic and deeply controversial figure of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, has died aged 81."

Greenland. (photo: Getty Images)
Greenland. (photo: Getty Images)

Greenland Is Melting Faster Than Any Time in the Last 400 Years
Chelsea Harvey, E&E News
Harvey writes: "The Greenland ice sheet is melting at its fastest rate in at least 400 years, new research suggests. And the melting is only speeding up."

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