Mort Rosenblum | Through the Looking Glass, a House of Horrors

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Mort Rosenblum | Through the Looking Glass, a House of Horrors 
President Donald Trump spoke with lawmakers at the White House on the topic of gun control. (photo: Carolyn Kaster/AP)
Mort Rosenblum, Reader Supported News
Rosenblum writes: "While America's uncouth and unclothed emperor-wannabe fantasized about how he would rush unarmed at a homicidal shooter, China placed imperial robes on Xi Jinping. He is now the world's de facto chairman-for-life."

Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. (photo: Getty)
Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. (photo: Getty)

Jonathan Chait | How Trump's Saturday Night Massacre Might Start With Jeff Sessions
Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine
Chait writes: "President Trump has spent nearly a year attempting to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions for the crime of following clear professional ethics by recusing himself from an investigation in which he is personally entangled."

The former White House communications director Hope Hicks. (photo: AP)
The former White House communications director Hope Hicks. (photo: AP

Hope Is Leaving: The Loneliest Man in Washington Just Got Lonelier
Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico
Dovere writes: "The Senate Intelligence Committee has found that a Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee leaked to Fox News text messages sent by Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), according to a new report."

National Rifle Association members look over pistols in the Remington display at the 146th NRA annual exhibit in Atlanta, Georgia, 29 April 2017. (photo: Scott Olson/Getty)
National Rifle Association members look over pistols in the Remington display at the 146th NRA annual exhibit in Atlanta, Georgia, 29 April 2017. (photo: Scott Olson/Getty)

Rate of Gun Injuries Drops 20% During NRA Conventions, Study Finds
Tom McCarthy, Guardian UK
McCarthy writes: "The rate of gun injuries in the United States has regularly declined during the National Rifle Association's annual convention, according to a study led by Harvard Medical School and published in the New England Journal of Medicine."

Pallbearers move the casket of officer Alan Beck. (photo: Getty)
Pallbearers move the casket of officer Alan Beck. (photo: Getty)

Far-Right Extremists Are Quietly Murdering Police Officers
Luke Barnes, ThinkProgress
Barnes writes: "The shootings that stunned the quiet Iowa suburb that November represent just two of the nearly three dozen law enforcement officers in the U.S. who have been killed by far-right extremists in the last 10 years alone."

Badku Marandi managed to escape the mines. And he is working to help others do so too. (photo: Christian Werner/Zeitenspiegel)
Badku Marandi managed to escape the mines. And he is working to help others do so too. (photo: Christian Werner/Zeitenspiegel)

Suffocating: Children Risk Their Lives in India's Illegal Mica Mines
Anna Behrend, Der Spiegel
Behrend writes: "Mica is a mineral that many companies use to give their products a glimmering sheen. It is what makes lipsticks shimmer and car paint glint, to name two examples. But its origins are anything but beautiful."

Cars drive through a busy Main Street in Berlin. (photo: Markus Schreiber/AP)
Cars drive through a busy Main Street in Berlin. (photo: Markus Schreiber/AP)

German Court Allows Cities to Institute Diesel Bans
Frank Jordans and David Rising, Associated Press
Excerpt: "Handing environmentalists a landmark victory, a German court ruled Tuesday that cities can ban diesel cars and trucks to combat air pollution, a decision with far-reaching and costly implications in the country where the diesel engine was invented in the 1890s."

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